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Chris W



9 Novice

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    United Kingdom

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    I am a chartered engineer with nearly 10 years experience in PPI roles

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  1. Content Article
    Patient Safety Partners (PSPs) are being recruited by NHS organisations across England as part of NHS England’s Framework for involving patients in patient safety. PSPs can be patients, relatives, carers or other members of the public who want to support and contribute to a healthcare organisation’s governance and management processes for patient safety.  In this blog, Chris Wardley, PSP at a large NHS hospital trust, introduces the Patient Safety Partners Network (PSPN). Chris describes his own experience of starting as a PSP, talks about the large scope of the role and highlights the unique opportunity to influence how an organisation approaches patient safety. He also invites PSPs to join the new network, talking about how it is already helping PSPs in England share learning as they shape their new roles.
  2. Content Article Comment
    There is a plan to conduct a survey on the roles, terms of engagement, remuneration, expenses being carried out rather than what the spec might have been when advertised which is to be progressed next week
  3. Content Article Comment
    This is an interesting piece from which, in my experience, the reality is very different from “From a review of the job description, the PSP appears to be a policy and governance oversight role. PSPs might have been a much more valuable addition to the NHS if they had been asked to become involved in the creation of safer tools and therapeutic services that patients would eventually use.” This not what has happened. Feed-back from the Patient Safety Partners Network (with 66 members hosted by Patient Learning) and four months of monthly calls is that the range and variety of roles and terms of engagement of PSP’s is extremely wide. Some are working in an oversite role but some are collecting patient stories. What is obvious is that there is a need for PSPs at every possible level in NHS providers. It might be true that “It is really centred around staff–their availability, skills and capabilities, and their ability to effectively communicate with each other and their patients.” However. the ambitions in the NHS Strategy for engaging patients in patient care and investigations has been so big a change that it has made space and given opportunity for disruptors in the system. Those, including PSPs, who follow Professor Richard “Feynman’s adage “Experiment, Fail, Learn and Repeat” are now doing just that. There is little doubt that implementation of PSRIF has been far from easy, and continues to be a challenge, but maybe in a year or two the benefits will have been far reaching just so long as it is allowed to continue to innovate and attempt to put patients first and foremost.
  4. Content Article Comment
    After just over seven months as a Patient Safety Partner I have moved from being amazed at my trust's negative approach to patient engagement to optimistic but there a so many barriers in the system that it will not be easy for the reasons you have set out As a managing director of a reasonable sized building and civil engineering business. I considered spending two days a week out walking the sites, meeting the teams and challenging them about their ideas for doing things differently or not.
  5. Content Article Comment
    In my trust the top "issue" found from analysis of data in connection with "Getting It Right First Time (GIRFT) and NHS Resolution (NHSR) Learning from Litigation Claims" was "communications". I have no detail on this but suspect that this is what the problem really is.
  6. Content Article Comment
    The excellent thing about this report is that it points out that patient safety being first and foremost requires getting so many practical actions right - not just saying patient safety comes first. In the commercial world saying putting profit as a priority, as many businesses do, is also meaningless when delivering on that requires getting so many practical actions right.
  7. Article Comment
    See also Reading University for the Women's Rights Network story on the bigger issue here. This story has been widely reported in the UK including parliament and the Washington Post!
  8. Content Article Comment
    In my engagement and enquires in the Buckingham, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West OCS are I have found no reflection of Women’s Health Strategy for England in policy and plans though after hearing about it from me I am assured that this will change. Kings Fund commentary on this predicted that this was likely to be the case and encouraged all who are aware of this to promote it.
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