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Posts posted by poolsadie

  1. On 08/02/2020 at 07:58, ShropshireJos said:

    I had an horrendous outpatient hysteroscopy 

    Referred after pm bleeding, having started menopause aged 36. 

    Researched online before and saw some women had experienced pain. I specifically asked the dr on more than one occasion if there was a chance of pain. He said have you given birth vaginally?, I replied yes, to which he said the worst i would feel would be akin to period pain. It was barbaric, i was crying and passing out with pain.  The nurses in the room with me simply tried to chat about inane topics to distract me! Was unable to walk back to my car fir about 2 hours after as each time i stood up and began to faint again. 

    I am appalled that in 21st century Britain,  the NHS is still allowing this

    Here's a link to my full story https://hystericalwomen.co.uk/2019/12/11/the-most-painful-moment-of-my-life-the-national-scandal-of-barbaric-outpatient-hysteroscopy/

    I don't think this is just an NHS procedural issue, I had mine in Canada and it was the same.  The woman who went in before me was screaming like she was being slaughtered! (just what I wanted to hear prior to my procedure) I have never heard anything like it.  I found the procedure very painful but obviously not on the same level as the woman before me, I did take the ibuprofen before (but I took it 5 hours before, and again an hour before so whether this helped a little I don't know).  It certainly shouldn't be a procedure without appropriate pain relief, I have had a endoscopy without sedative, and now you always get sedated, so why not with this awful procedure!

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