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Claire Cox


Everything posted by Claire Cox

  1. Content Article
    This is a collection of articles, news and alerts on coronavirus published on Medscape.
  2. Content Article
    NHS Inform is Scotland's national health information service. They have produced this web page to help inform the public on what do do and how to repsond to the coronavirus crisis.
  3. Content Article
    As the International Organisation for Public-Private Cooperation, the World Economic Forum, acting as partner to the World Health Organization, is mobilising all stakeholders to protect lives and livelihoods. The dramatic spread of COVID-19 has disrupted lives, livelihoods, communities and businesses worldwide. All stakeholders, especially global business, must urgently come together to minimise its impact on public health and limit its potential for further disruption to lives and economies around the world.   But the sum of many individual actions will not add up to a sufficient response. Only coordinated action by business, combined with global, multi stakeholder cooperation – at exceptional scale and speed – can potentially mitigate the risk and impact of this unprecedented crisis. 
  4. Content Article
    Johnathan Occleshaw is a Hepatitis C Coordinator for the North West region. In this article, on the Care, Grow, Live website, he explains how the Integrated Recovery Service in Halton micro-eliminated hepatitis C.
  5. Content Article
    This guidance for the public was developed by 'Doctors of the World'. It has been written in 16 different languages: English Vietnamese Turkish Spanish Portuguese Pashto Mandarin Kurdish Hindi French farsi Dari Bengali Arabic Albanian.
  6. Content Article
    The National Audit of Inpatient Falls (NAIF) has a new approach which focuses on the continuous audit of the care and management of patients who sustain a hip fracture in an inpatient setting. The new process involves the identification of inpatient hip fractures by the National Hip Fracture Database (NHFD). This first report of the continuous NAIF focuses on patients in England and Wales who sustained an isolated hip fracture (IHF) between January and August 2019. Data on organisational policy and practice with respect to inpatient fall prevention and management were collected via a facilities audit, and the data from 2018 NHFD were explored to identify differences between IHF and non-IHF processes and outcomes.
  7. Content Article
    This infographic developed by the World Heath Organization, pictures how to put on and take off personal protective equipment safely.
  8. Content Article
    ECRI Institute's Top 10 Patient Safety Concerns for 2020 features new topics, with an emphasis on concerns that have the biggest potential impact on patient health across all care settings. However, the number one topic on this year's list is one revisited from 2019: missed and delayed diagnoses.
  9. Content Article
    Kidney Care UK has been working with medical colleagues and partners on information and advice about COVID-19 specifically for people with kidney disease. Their web page contains guidance for kidney patients and also information on the action that NHS renal services are taking during this outbreak. Further guidance is being developed for those on dialysis; those with a transplant; those with renal diseases who depend on immunosuppressant medication; those with declining kidney function; and those with chronic kidney disease. At the moment your current treatment plans will not change. However, advice is being updated on a daily basis so please do refer back to Kidney Care UK's page as it will be updated in response to any developments.
  10. Content Article
    In this short video, anaesthetic staff at Brighton and Sussex University Hospital demonstrates how to put on and take off the power hood safely. These hoods are used by staff who are caring with patients who are either high risk or have tested positive for COVID 19.
  11. Content Article
    Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals Trusts Anaesthetic Department has produced this video demonstrating how to 'don' (put on) and 'doff' (take off) PPE pre- and post-intubation of a high risk/infected patient with COVID-19.
  12. Content Article
    As part of Patient Safety Awareness Week 2020, the Royal College of Pathologists have released three videos. In these videos, trainees discuss error scenarios and how we can foster a positive culture of learning from those mistakes.   Speakers include Dr Mathew Clark, Miss Laura Whitehouse and Dr Hamed Sharaf.
  13. Content Article
    James Munro, Chief Executive of Care Opinion, argues that there is extraordinary, yet untapped value in patient feedback which is not being recognised in current policy and practice. His blog follows the launch of the National Institute of Healthcare Research's (NIHR) themed review on using patient feedback to improve care.  Gathering feedback from people who use health services sounds like a simple and straightforward matter. Doesn’t everyone love feedback? The NIHR themed review Improving Care by Using Patient Feedback highlights that this is a topic beset by complexity, uncertainty and disagreement. It’s also an area which can provoke strong emotions both from those offering feedback, such as: “why isn’t anyone listening?” and those receiving it: “why am I being attacked when I work so hard?”.
  14. Content Article
    The Coroners and Justice Act 2009 allows a coroner to issue a Regulation 28 report to an individual, organisations, local authorities or government departments and their agencies where the coroner believes that action should be taken to prevent further deaths. Eileen Pollard died of a myocardial infarction. This coroners report was due to concerns raised by the patient numerous times around the call bell either not being near the patient or not working.
  15. Content Article
    As part of Patient Safety Awareness Week 2020, the Royal College of Pathologists speak to Professor Peter Johnston about preventing patient harm in laboratory settings.
  16. Content Article
    This interview with intensivist and CEO of the the UK Sepsis Trust, Ron Daniels, shown on the Victoria Derbyshire programme, states the '... the UK cannot increase its ICU capacity "rapidly enough" to deal with levels of coronavirus patients'' Fears are growing for the safety of patients who will be contracting the virus, some of who will need intensive care, but there is not enough beds or trained staff to care for them appropriately.
  17. Content Article
    This web page is updated regularly on what the health and social care system across the UK has done to tackle the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak and what it plans to do next.
  18. Content Article
    The World Health Organization has produced a factsheet about patient safety, what it is and the burden of harm.
  19. Content Article
    This website gives up to date, rolling information about the ongoing viral crisis.
  20. Content Article
    Medical errors are the third leading cause of death in the United States. Putting patients first — listening to their own and their families’ concerns — can help eliminate medical errors altogether. A patient-centric approach encourages patients to communicate their ‘gut feelings’ when something seems wrong, thereby working to end the pervasive and dangerous culture of silence and fear in hospitals.
  21. Content Article
    An initiative to raise standards of asthma care in a prison setting has lessons for the management and care of people with asthma in other healthcare settings. This article is published in the Nursing Times. You can register for guest access which gives you 1 week’s unrestricted access to nursingtimes.net.
  22. Content Article Comment
    Hi Derek I work in the NHS as a nurse. I am not in any way IT or digital savvy, but I would like to comment. I visited a US hospital on an exchange last year. I saw the benefits of using e wristbands in many situations; drug administration, medical notes, treatment requests and communication between teams even down to what type of surgery and the equipment that is needed for that surgery. I could see that it solved numerous problems it could solve. It boils down to money, finding a wristband 'brand' that will fit all of the NHS requirements and needs and most of all the NHS needs to use just the ONE type. What ever digital system we use it needs to be the same one. Standardisation is the key, but with multiple budget holders and differing needs among providers we may end up with different types that do not have the same safety standards. This is a great question for anyone working in NHSX
  23. Community Post
    Thanks Kathy, I see we used this years ago, regards to usage of Lysol many years ago, did it contain any harmful additions that we use today ?
  24. Community Post
    The longer I look into womens health - the more I am seeing inequalities. Vaginal mesh, painful hysteroscopy, Patterson and the breast scandal, maternity safety. Or is this a coincidence?
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