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Claire Cox


Everything posted by Claire Cox

  1. Content Article
    RESTORE2 is a physical deterioration and escalation tool for care/nursing homes based on NEWS2 and has been a key element of the process of implementing NEWS2 within care Homes, initially across Wessex and subsequently nationally via the AHSN network. In July 2019 RESTORE2 won a Parliamentary Award for Excellence.
  2. Community Post
    A disinfectant used as a feminine hygiene product that also used for abortions - this sounds barbaric! Lets hope that this is not still being used!!
  3. Content Article
    These controversial implants are used by medical professionals to treat stress incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse, both of which can occur after childbirth. But there’s a darker side to the mesh story, with many women left in excruciating pain, suffering long-term health problems as a result of being fitted with them. This article in Woman & Home explores the issues around vaginal mesh implants and speaks to women and campaigners.
  4. Content Article
    Medication reconciliation (‘med rec’, as it is often called) refers to the ‘process of identifying the most accurate list of all medications a patient is taking … and using this list to provide correct medications for patients anywhere within the health system’. Two recent systematic reviews summarised the evidence for med rec interventions, finding that several med rec interventions reduced medication history errors and errors in patients’ admission and discharge medication regimens.
  5. Community Post
    I have been looking into health campaigns recently. There seems to be many that are affecting womens health that are not being heard or taken seriously. Are there health inequalities at play here?
  6. Content Article
    'The Productive Ward: Releasing time to care' was a quality improvement programme developed by the NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement (NHSI) and introduced in 2007. It was designed to improve efficiency, productivity and performance at ward level in acute hospitals. It was based on three principles: good ward organisation so that materials were readily accessible displaying ward-level metrics such as patient safety and experience use of visual aids to understand patient status at a glance.
  7. Content Article
    This lecture, presented to staff at Southport and Ormskirk Hospital NHS Trust on 26 March 2020, gives an overview of the coronavirus, transmission, symptoms and treatment of the virus. Martin Kiernan qualified as a Registered General Nurse in 1984, and obtained a Master in Public Health in 1997. He currently works as a Nurse Consultant where he is responsible for the infection prevention and control programme for an integrated healthcare provider NHS Trust covering acute and primary care. He manages a team of two specialist nurses, a surveillance nurse, a healthcare assistant and an information officer. A significant part of his clinical duties includes assessment and application of policies and guidelines to ensure optimal clinical practice.
  8. Content Article
    This guidance is aimed at all professionals carers supporting patients with COVID-19, and their families, in the hospital setting – whether this is in critical care or elsewhere in the hospital. All hospitals have access to specialist palliative care teams, whether as in-house hospital palliative care teams or as in-reach teams from the local palliative care services. These teams will be able to provide additional advice and guidance but it will not be possible for them to provide direct care to everybody who needs it, especially as the pandemic progresses.  This guidance includes flow charts to help aid treatment and symptom control. Nb: The most current version of the guidance document will be available on the public-facing pages of the Association for Palliative Medicine website (https://apmonline.org/). It is advised that you always check that you are referring to the most current version.
  9. Content Article
    Susannah is a healthcare professional and patient who had surgery which led to multiple complications. Emotional Intelligence is part of a series of blogs from Susannah, that illustrates her journey of self discovery, acceptance and provides an insight into the complex world of healthcare induced harm.
  10. Content Article
    The Association for Anaesthetists have produced some 'top tips' for night shift workers. What tips do you have to keep you feeling well overnight?
  11. Content Article
    Information on COVID-19, including guidance on the assessment and management of suspected UK cases.
  12. Content Article
    The prevention of healthcare associated infections (HAIs) is an integral component of good medical practice; anaesthetists have a central role in ensuring every patient receives the best protection against HAIs. In this guideline, written by the Association of Anaesthetists, recommendations include that there should be a named lead consultant in each department of anaesthesia who is responsible for liaising with their trust’s infection prevention and control team and occupational health department to ensure best antimicrobial practice is maintained in all areas of anaesthetic practice.
  13. Content Article
    The World Health Organization (WHO) are publishing regular situation reports for the spread of the coronavirus disease. The reports includes numbers of new cases, numbers of total cases and death from cronavirus per country.
  14. Content Article
    BBC reporter, Julie Reinger, talks to women who have had mesh implants after childbirth ahead of an independent report into the procedure.
  15. Content Article
    This coroner's case, by coroner Emma Serrano, describes the events that led up to Maureen Brown's death at University Hospital of Derby and Burton NHS Trust. Maureen had an inpatient fall and died from her injuries. Could this death been prevented? How can we ensure the voice of the carer/family is heard, documented and acted upon in clinical practice?
  16. Content Article
    This report is the Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch (HSIB) first complete investigation which relates to the implantation of the wrong prostheses (artificial body parts) during joint replacement surgery — a surgical never event. A never event is a serious incident that is entirely preventable.
  17. Content Article
    Patient Engagement for the Life Sciences is a practical handbook for anyone striving to incorporate patient value in the delivery of medicines from research and development into a practical healthcare setting. This book provides a tangible framework of how this can be achieved with and for patients. Any profits generated from book sales will be donated to International Health Partners UK, Europe's largest coordinator of donated medicines, to support patients around the world.
  18. Content Article
    This podcast, is the first in a series, produced by Catalysis, about how to change organisational culture. This episode focuses on board engagement and the support a board needs to offer management during cultural transformation. 
  19. Content Article
    This checklist, recommended by the Association of Anaesthetists, with accompanying guidance is written to ensure the correct functioning of draw-over anaesthetic equipment and is important to patient safety.
  20. Content Article Comment
    Hi @Martin Hogan that has really scared me. I haven't done agency work, now i have read this, I'm not sure I ever will. The ward you worked on sounds as if there is a disaster waiting to happen. As an agency nurse how empowered are you to speak up? As an agency nurse are you able to use the FTSUG (freedom to speak up guardian) at that Trust if you are not an actual member of that Trust? I wonder if patients realise the risk that transient staff pose if they haven't had appropriate induction. Thanks so much for posting..... I look forward to hearing more
  21. Content Article
    Access film footage of the recent 'Improving Patient Safety and Care' conference held on 13 February 2020 at the Royal Society of Medicine, London. All speakers and their presentations have been filmed. Past conferences can also be accessed.  Govconnect's Open Access Library seeks to provide unrestricted online access to their events to ensure that key information is available to all health and social care professionals. All of their conferences are professionally filmed and broadcast so that content can be shared to a wider audience post event with the aim that as many people as possible can benefit from outcomes.
  22. Content Article
    Coroners are independent judicial officers who investigate deaths reported to them. They will make whatever inquiries are necessary to find out the cause of death, this includes ordering a post-mortem examination, obtaining witness statements and medical records, or holding an inquest.
  23. Content Article
    The database of people with diabetes who are eligible for diabetic eye screening (DES) in England is available on GP registration systems. Local screening services can access it electronically through the GP2DRS IT system, or by requesting a copy from the GP practice. Eligible individuals remain on the local service register until they are no longer part of the local service cohort – for example if they have moved away from the area or died. These individuals then become ‘off register’ and should be managed in accordance with the consent and cohort management guidance. People with diabetes may not need to attend routine digital screening while under the care of ophthalmology or being seen in surveillance clinics, but they remain eligible unless they meet the ‘off register’ criteria. Each year, local screening services will recall many individuals for screening who are no longer registered with a GP in England and are ‘untraceable’. Many of these individuals may no longer live in England. Providers should use this guidance to manage untraceable individuals. It’s only applicable in cases where an individual is no longer registered with a GP in England.  
  24. Content Article
    The latest NHS national staff survey is out. It shows, yet again, that an extraordinary proportion of NHS staff report being bullied or harassed at work by managers and colleagues last year (2019). Roger Kline, Research Fellow in Middlesex University London Business School, discusses the shocking level of bullying in the NHS and the impact this has on staff.
  25. Content Article
    'Visiting the Intensive Care Unit' is an activity book for children who are visiting a relative in an intensive care unit (ICU). This resource is free to NHS hospitals.
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