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Claire Cox


Posts posted by Claire Cox

  1. I attended a trauma call in my hospital the other day - dressed head to toe in PPE, we couldn't hear each other or knew who each other were.

    Since this happened - we have not got these stickers to go on our PPE .  These are great for adhoc teams that come together in extremis (such as trauma calls)

    bsuh badge.jpg

    bsuh badges.jpg

  2. Sadly, I am not a GP.... I have tweeted this post out in the hope of getting some responses back.

    I think there is a real urgency for guidance and reassurance to patients about when and who to call for help from at this time.  We are also seeing a reduction in the amount of people attending ED...where are the 'usual' sick patients, the GI bleeds, the strokes.....I do hope they are not dying at home.

  3. What a fantastic idea. ...I am amazed at the speed that innovations are coming out.  It just shows how adaptable our NHS staff can be.  Given the tools and the capability - they can do anything!

    Are there any other  innovative ideas that you have seen to keep staff and patients safe during this pandemic?

    We would love to know, as so would many other Trusts


  4. During this time of crisis our role is changing on a daily basis.

    I am working as an outreach nurse in Brighton.  We can no longer function as a 'normal' outreach team.  We are trying to do our usual role ; seeing follow up patients, seeing NEWS referrals over 5....but we are not effective. 

    There needs to be a rethink on what our role is with in this situation. 

    What referrals are we to take?

     Are escalation policies still being adhered to? 

    How do we assess the 'red' patient safely? 

    What happens to the follow up patients?

    What happens with gaps in your rotas?

    Please get in touch on what your teams are doing!!

  5. 1115865589_covid-hub-image-white-text(1).jpg.b25356cc3eae9e3ac83b0f39e8ba3460.jpg

    Hi all,

    I have posted on the hub my experiences of the COVID-19 crisis.  It would be fantastic to have more stories on the hub from those on the frontline here for others to read.  

    How are you coping?  What tips/resources can you share?  What are the frustrations?  Are you prepared?  Have you enough equipment/PPE? 

    If you are a member of the hub and would like to share, just reply to this post below. If you're not already a member of the hub, it's quick and free to join. Register here.

    You can also write a blog and share in our dedicated coronavirus area in Learn.

    I shall be writing more as the days and weeks go on, documenting my journey through home life and clinical work and the impact it is having on me, my family and our patients.

    the hub is also running a poll to capture frontline workers' concerns.


  6. On 05/03/2020 at 02:43, Kathy Nabbie said:

    Still sold in the US, I understand Claire, and in UK as Chlorophenol.
    My concern here is, it was advertised and  marketed with 'shocking and hilarious' ads, as being the gold star for feminine hygiene in 1920.
    However it was so potent, it was used to end an outbreak of cholera in Germany in 1889, the Spanish Flu in 1918 and also as an  effective agent for the influenza virus.
    Also, it was used to wash the  bedding and decontaminate the sick rooms and hospital walls!
    Marketing and advertising  of products did not think of women then, and one hundred(100) years later, we are still being  used as guinea pigs.
    With all the flashy medical devices aimed at  saving time, sedation, space  and money, our frail insides have been Meshed, Flushed and Morcellized to pieces.
    We need all the help and support from all  available sources to fight this problem.
    -See attached screenshot image of how women were portrayed in 1920 



    Thanks Kathy,

    I see we used this years ago,  regards to usage of Lysol many years ago, did it contain any harmful additions that we use  today ?

  7. It has been in the news of nurses not wanting to perform CPR on patients who were frail and in nursing homes - https://www.nursingtimes.net/roles/care-home-nurses/the-implications-of-an-nmc-caution-for-nurse-who-did-not-perform-cpr-26-06-2017/ written by @Ken Spearpoint.

    I have heard of a different problem.  There was a  patient that did not want to be resuscitated, they had a form, it was discussed with them and their family.   However, the form was deemed not valid as it was not signed by a consultant with in the 72 hours.  The patient subsequently arrested and had to be resuscitated due to the from being 'invalid'.

    What are your thoughts on this and what can be dont to prevent this from happening ( I'm sure this isn't an isolated case)

  8. Hi Una,

    This is all new to me.  This area of healthcare has been highlighted as an issue by you wonderful ladies.  Patient Safety Learning will be assisting you in this campaign.  

    We will be setting out a strategy on how best we can help.  First steps will be to find out what is actually going on right now and what the 'best standard' is at the moment - we care capturing your experiences here, on the hub.  We will then look to see what standards are also going on right now.

    It makes very difficult reading,  we want to help.


    Thank you for posting




  9. Can any one share?

    The trust I work in delivers patient safety training as part of the mandatory training.  I was wondering if any other trust does this, if so would they mind sharing Thier slides as I'm not sure what it should include. 


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