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Claire Cox


Everything posted by Claire Cox

  1. Content Article
    Technology is often viewed as either positive or negative. On one hand weight loss apps are usually seen as a positive influence on users. From the sociocultural perspective, on the other hand, media and technology can negatively impact body satisfaction and contribute to eating disorders; however, these studies fail to include weight loss apps. While these apps can be beneficial to users, they can also have negative effects on users with eating disorder behaviours. Yet few research studies have looked at weight loss apps in relation to eating disorders. In order to fill this gap,these researchers conducted interviews with 16 women with a history of eating disorders who use(d) weight loss apps. While findings suggest these apps can contribute to and exacerbate eating disorder behaviours, they also reveal a more complex picture of app usage. Women’s use and perceptions of weight loss apps shift as they experience life and move to and from stages of change. This research troubles the binary view of technology and emphasises the importance of looking at technology use as a dynamic process. This study contributes to the understanding of weight loss app design.
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    Healthy eating and fitness mobile apps are designed to promote healthier living. However, for young people, body dissatisfaction is commonplace, and these types of apps can become a source of maladaptive eating and exercise behaviours. Furthermore, such apps are designed to promote continuous engagement, potentially fostering compulsive behaviours. This study, published by JMIR Publications, highlights the necessity for careful considerations around the design of apps that promote weight loss or body modification through fitness training, especially when they are used by young people who are vulnerable to the development of poor body image and maladaptive eating and exercise behaviours.
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    A Whistleblower is defined as "a person who exposes any kind of information or activity that is deemed illegal, unethical, or not correct within an organization that is either private or public". These individuals are vulnerable to retaliation for their actions and whilst there are laws in place purposed to protect them, sometimes the laws are not adequate or effective in their practical application.  The All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Whistleblowers was set up with the aim to provide stronger protection for whistleblowers. This website provides further information on the APPG,  
  4. Content Article
    Thousands of people have joint replacement surgery every year and the National Joint Registry gathers together data on the outcomes of these surgeries. This allows surgeons and hospitals to monitor the success of their operations and ensure that the devices used are safe and effective. Individuals can also use the Registry to inform themselves better about the surgery which they are having. This short video explains what data is used and, more importantly, how it is used to ensure best outcomes for patients.
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    This short video, by Understanding Patient Data,  shows people talking about why it's important to use patient data, and why we need to better explain the benefits and safeguards.
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    Understanding Patient Data has produced a series of animations to explain how data saves lives. Following the journeys of patients with cancer, a heart attack, diabetes, dementia and asthma, they show the huge range of ways data is used to improve care, and the safeguards that are in place to protect confidentiality. 
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    This animation by The Kings fund, presents a whistle-stop tour of how the NHS works in 2017 and how it is changing. 
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    Dr Joanna Poole is an Anaesthetic trainee and a Doctors Association UK (DAUK) member. After sharing a blog on Twitter about wanting to quit medicine which went viral, Joanna has been inundated with messages from fellow doctors who have found themselves in a similar situation. Now, Joanna has been invited to share her experiences with multiple Royal Colleges and Joanna is collating the responses she has received anonymously in the hope this will inspire a kinder NHS for our doctors. Joanna is a force for change and is a real example for what grassroots doctors can achieve when they speak up.
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    Claire Cox
    The NHS is Britain’s greatest treasure. Yet it still harbours a culture of hierarchy where bullying, harassment and appalling training environments can go unchallenged. The Doctors Association UK (DAUK) believe that bullying, and discouraging victims from speaking up, goes hand in hand with a blame culture. Often doctors are shamed into silence, and don’t realise other doctors are struggling just as much as they are. Morale is at an all time low in the NHS, with rates of burnout and sadly, even physician suicide on the rise. DAUK are teaming up with the Royal Colleges as part of a wider NHS anti-bullying alliance and are encouraging doctors to speak about their experiences. 
  10. Content Article
    Rob Behrens talks to Claire Murdoch, Chief Executive of the Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust and National Director for Mental Health at NHS England. Claire explains how NHS England is turning insights from the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman reports into actions that drive improvements in mental health care provision.
  11. Content Article
    ‘The problem with…’ series, from the BMJ Quality & Safety, covers controversial topics related to efforts to improve healthcare quality, including widely recommended but deceptively difficult strategies for improvement and pervasive problems that seem to resist solution. The ‘5 whys’ technique is one of the most widely taught approaches to root-cause analysis (RCA) in healthcare. Its use is promoted by the WHO, the English National Health Service, the Institute for Healthcare Improvement, the Joint Commission and many other organisations in the field of healthcare quality and safety. Like most such tools, though, its popularity is not the result of any evidence that it is effective. This article argues that healthcare is complex and why finding the solution via the 5 whys should be abandoned.
  12. Content Article
    Fatigue is a complex phenomenon that has effects on physical characteristics, cognition, behaviours, and physical and mental health. Paramedicine crosses the boundaries of many high-risk industries, namely medicine, transport and aviation. The effects of fatigue on paramedics need to be explored and considered in order to begin to identify appropriate interventions and management strategies. This article, published in the Irish Journal of Paramedicine, demonstrates that fatigue is associated with increased errors and adverse events, increased chronic disease and injury rates, depression and anxiety, and impaired driving ability. It has suggested that paramedic services and paramedics need to work collaboratively to identify and action appropriate measures to reduce the effects of fatigue on the wellbeing of the workforce and mitigate its effects on clinical performance and safety.
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    On 10 May 2017, the RCP (Royal College of Physicians) hosted ‘Learning from mortality reviews to improve patient safety’ as part of it's Keeping patients safe seminar series. The event discussed how the National Mortality Case Record Review (NMCRR) can improve care and keep patients safe. As well as hearing from the RCP's National Mortality Case Record Review (NMCRR) team about their work and the results of the programme's pilot phase, the seminar was an opportunity to hear about the wide-ranging work the RCP is undertaking to support improvements in patient safety.
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    With cancer prevalence in the UK increasing, the Patients Association led a panel of experts in a discussion to address the negative cycle of cancer care that can sometimes exist. 
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    This Primary Care Cancer Toolkit provides a collection of key resources about cancer prevention, diagnosis and care relevant for the primary care setting. It provides links to current guidance, continuing professional development resources, patient information, and information for those involved in commissioning.
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    This article, published by the University of Hertfordshire, addresses the need for reasonable adjustments, and other issues, by using examples of: a hospital passport assessing the mental capacity of a person how to improve care provided how to reduce clinical risks for people with intellectual disability.
  17. Content Article
    The Royal Society of Medicine (RSM) has exclusive interviews from leading figures in healthcare on their website, these podcasts focus on a variety of topics within medicine and healthcare, covering everything from mental health and paediatric care to the medical workforce crisis and patient safety.  In this episode, Kaji Sritharan talks to Dr Dominic King, Health Lead of DeepMind about the role of Artificial Intelligence and the development and introduction of Digital Technologies into the NHS.
  18. Content Article
    The Professioan Records Standards Body are a unique collaboration of groups representing those who receive and provide health and social care across the UK, as well as those providing the IT systems that support care. Emma Robertson is the patient lead on the Professional Records Standards Body (PRSB), work to accredit apps and digital health technologies. She speaks to PRSB about why she got involved with the work and the benefits and challenges of using apps to support health and care.
  19. Content Article
    Patients have different concerns from clinicians when asked about problems with their care, and may identify preventable safety issues. When trained volunteers surveyed 2,471 patients from three NHS Trusts in England, 23% of patients identified concerns about their care. The biggest category of concerns related to communication, with staffing issues and ward environment the next most common and safety issues. Although the majority of safety issues were categorised as negligible or minor, they were also seen as definitely or probably preventable. Patient-reported concerns identified new areas which may not have been picked up by staff, such as fear of other patients or delays in procedures. This is one of the largest studies to look at patient safety concerns from the patient perspective. This study suggests that inpatient surveys can identify patient safety issues and that collecting this data could help trusts identify areas where patient experience could be improved. However, for the data to be useful, it needs to be routinely collected, reviewed and acted upon, which may be difficult to implement.
  20. Content Article
    People with a learning disability are more likely to experience major illnesses that will require acute care (Disability Rights Commission, 2006) and more people with learning disability are living longer, and are therefore more likely to use health services as they get older. As a group, they experience more admissions to hospital (26%) compared to the general population (14%) (Mencap, 2004).
  21. Content Article
    Both staff and patients want feedback from patients about the care to be heard and acted upon and the NHS has clear policies to encourage this. Doing this in practice is, however, complex and challenging. This report, by the National Institute for Health Research, features nine new research studies about using patient experience data in the NHS. These show what organisations are doing now and what could be done better. Evidence ranges from hospital wards to general practice to mental health settings. There are also insights into new ways of mining and analysing big data, using online feedback and approaches to involving patients in making sense of feedback and driving improvements.  
  22. Content Article
    Healthcare provision in the NHS is very safe but on rare occasions when things go wrong, it is important that those involved are properly informed and supported, compensation is paid fairly, unnecessary costs are contained and that we learn in order to improve. Negligence also comes at significant personal and financial cost for the NHS, not all of which is visible. NHS Resolution has conducted a thematic review into learning from suicide related claims with in the NHS.
  23. Content Article
    The development of the Learning Disability Epilepsy Specialist Nurse Competency Framework was led by a working party of experienced Learning Disability (LD) Epilepsy Specialist Nurses (ESNs), from Focus in Epilepsy Learning Disability (FIELD), in association with the Epilepsy Nurses Association (ESNA). The document has been accredited by the Royal College of Nursing (RCN), with the support of Epilepsy Action to ensure that the perspective of people with learning disabilities (PWLD) has been considered.
  24. Content Article
    INQUEST's evidence-based report Stolen lives and missed opportunities: the deaths of young adults and children in prison, documents the deaths of 65 young people and children in prison between 2011 and 2014. In the four years covered, INQUEST reveals an average of more than one young death each month.
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    In May 2018, INQUEST published Still dying on the inside: examining deaths in women’s prisons providing unique insight into deaths in women’s prisons. The report was based on an examination of official data, INQUEST’s research, casework and an analysis of coroners’ reports and jury findings. This 2019 briefing provides an update to that report, reflecting on the cases and figures for 2018/2019.
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