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Claire Cox


Everything posted by Claire Cox

  1. Content Article
    Chances are, you’ve heard of an electronic health record, or EHR. Over the past 10 years, the vast majority of healthcare providers in the United States have implemented this technology to use in caring for their patients. EHRs have benefited us in many ways and hold tremendous promise. Given their widespread use, this technology now plays a significant role in the routine delivery of health care. Less understood outside the healthcare profession, however, is that EHRs have introduced new kinds of risks to the safety and quality of care, due to serious challenges with EHR usability, or the effectiveness and efficiency of using the technology. These well documented issues can lead to clinician burnout and errors that directly impact patient safety. In response, the MedStar Health National Center for Human Factors in Healthcare teamed up with the American Medical Association to show what they mean by sharing rare videos of real and simulated EHR usability challenges. They believe improving EHR design, development, and implementation to eliminate known patient safety risks and make them easier to use is the responsibility of healthcare providers, EHR vendors, policymakers, and patients, all working together.
  2. Content Article
    In this blog published in the New York Times, Theresa Brown explains why American healthcare has become one giant workaround.  "The nurses were hiding drugs above a ceiling tile in the hospital — not because they were secreting away narcotics, but because the hospital pharmacy was slow, and they didn’t want patients to have to wait." These 'work arounds ' pose a significant patient safety risk. What work around problems do you have in your department? Theresa Brown is a clinical faculty member at the University of Pittsburgh School of Nursing.
  3. Content Article
    STOMP stands for: stopping over medication of people with a learning disability, autism or both with psychotropic medicines. It is a national project involving many different organisations which are helping to stop the over use of these medicines. STOMP is about helping people to stay well and have a good quality of life. Psychotropic medicines can cause problems if people take them for too long. Or take too high a dose. Or take them for the wrong reason. This can cause side effects like: putting on weight feeling tired or ‘drugged up’ serious problems with physical health.
  4. Content Article
    In January 2016, a high-profile local inquest examined the death of Jasmine Lapsley, a six year old child who sadly died after choking on a grape. One of Bangors post-ACCS Clinical Fellows (not involved with the case) attended the inquest with the intention of sharing any learning points at a CPD Day for Emergency Medical Service (EMS) colleagues we were due to hold six weeks later.  Upon releasing the CPD Day programme, organisers realised some EMS colleagues were profoundly uncomfortable about this talk, stating concerns such as 'talking publicly about lessons learned might upset the bereaved family'. They decided to ask all delegates at the CPD day what they thought of the inclusion of this item on the conference programme before and after the talk. This poster shows the results. 
  5. Content Article
    STOMP stands for stopping over medication of people with a learning disability, autism or both with psychotropic medicines. It is a national project involving many different organisations which are helping to stop the over use of these medicines. STOMP is about helping people to stay well and have a good quality of life. Psychotropic medicines affect how the brain works and include medicines for psychosis, depression, anxiety, sleep problems and epilepsy. Sometimes they are also given to people because their behaviour is seen as challenging. People with a learning disability, autism or both are more likely to be given these medicines than other people. These medicines are right for some people. They can help people stay safe and well. Sometimes there are other ways of helping people so they need less medicine or none at all.
  6. Content Article
    STOMP stands for stopping over medication of people with a learning disability, autism or both with psychotropic medicines. It is a national project involving many different organisations which are helping to stop the over use of these medicines. STOMP is about helping people to stay well and have a good quality of life.
  7. Content Article
    A blog from Dr Linda Dykes. "Bryn was my patient. He died. He may have stood a better chance of survival had I been aware of the risk of small bowel volvulus in an adult.  I produced this reflective learning resource with some colleagues - and with Bryn's widow, whom we call Fiona.  Please read it... it may help you save a life one day."
  8. Content Article
    Public Health England have estimated that on an average day in England, between 30,000 and 35,000 adults with a learning disability, autism or both are taking a prescribed antipsychotic, an antidepressant or both without appropriate clinical indications (psychosis or affective/anxiety disorder). A substantial proportion of people with a learning disability, autism or both who are prescribed psychotropic drugs for behavioural purposes can safely have their drugs reduced or withdrawn. This research showed that among adults known to their GP to have a learning disability, (excluding only those in hospital as inpatients) on any average day: 17.0% were taking prescribed antipsychotic drugs, 16.9% antidepressants, 7.1% drugs used in mania and hypomania, 4.2% anxiolytics and 2.7% hypnotics. STOMP stands for stopping over medication of people with a learning disability, autism or both with psychotropic medicines. It is a national project involving many different organisations which are helping to stop the over use of these medicines. STOMP is about helping people to stay well and have a good quality of life.
  9. Content Article
    How we treat each other at work has an enormous impact on how teams perform – with potentially fatal consequences if you work in healthcare. In this TEDx talk, Chris Turner reveals the shocking impact of rudeness in the workplace, arguing that civility saves lives.
  10. Content Article
    ECRI Institute's mission is to protect patients from unsafe and ineffective medical technologies and practices. More than 5,000 healthcare institutions and systems worldwide, including four out of every five U.S. hospitals, rely on ECRI Institute to guide their operational and strategic decisions.
  11. Content Article
    The Partnership for Health IT Patient Safety, a national collaborative convened by ECRI Institute, has released a new report on drug allergy interactions and how clinical decision support (CDS) and health information technology (IT) can be used to improve safety. Drug allergy alerts, a feature of clinical decision support (CDS), incorporated within the electronic health record (EHR), act as a safeguard against prescribing or dispensing a medication to which a patient has a documented allergy that could cause an adverse event for a patient. Drug allergy interactions are an important patient safety concern. Inadequate communication and display of drug allergy interaction information may result in incorrect treatment, delay care, or result in additional or prolonged care for a patient. 
  12. Content Article
    In accident investigation, the ideal is often to follow the principle “what-you-find-is-what-you-fix”, an ideal reflecting that the investigation should be a rational process of first identifying causes, and then implement remedial actions to fix them. Previous research has however identified cognitive and political biases leading away from this ideal. Somewhat surprisingly, however, the same factors that often are highlighted in modern accident models are not perceived in a recursive manner to reflect how they influence the process of accident investigation in itself. Those factors are more extensive than the cognitive and political biases that are often highlighted in theory. The purpose in this study from Lundberg et al. (published in Accident, Analysis and Prevention) was to reveal constraints affecting accident investigation practices that lead the investigation towards or away from the ideal of “what-you-find-is-what-you-fix”.
  13. Content Article
    This document sets out the partnership agreement between: The Ministry of Justice Her Majesty’s Prison and Probation Service Public Health England The Department of Health & Social Care and NHS England. It sets out the basis of a shared understanding of, and commitment to, the way in which the partners will work together.
  14. Content Article
    Prisoners should have the same access to healthcare as everyone else. This page looks at what healthcare you should get if you are in prison and what to do if you are not getting the help you need.
  15. Content Article
    Ever wondered what GPs do in a day? Watch this short video to find out.
  16. Content Article
    Ever wondered what a day in the life of a neurosurgeon on-call is like? Watch this video to follow a neurosurgery resident in a UK major trauma centre as he works a 28 hour shift.
  17. Content Article
    Ben Tipney and Vikki Howarths' presetation on Human Factors in practice. This presentation covers: an introduction to human factors human factors training implementation of human factors in practice new initiatives.
  18. Content Article
    Last year, 63 healthcare professionals in England were found stealing controlled drugs and/or providing care whilst working under the influence of controlled drugs. By law, designated bodies must have a Controlled Drug Accountable Officer (CDAO).  This is a case study demonstrating the role of the CDAO and safety of controlled drugs. 
  19. Content Article
    Clinician burnout has been well-documented and is at record highs. The same issues that drive burnout also diminish joy in work for the healthcare workforce. Healthcare leaders need to understand what factors are diminishing joy in work, nurture their workforce, and address the issues that drive burnout and sap joy in work. The most joyful, productive, engaged staff feel both physically and psychologically safe, appreciate the meaning and purpose of their work, have some choice and control over their time, experience camaraderie with others at work, and perceive their work life to be fair and equitable. There are proven methods for creating a positive work environment that creates these conditions and ensures the commitment to deliver high-quality care to patients, even in stressful times.
  20. Content Article
    Improvement is now becoming a way of life and a way of being. How do we hold onto and strengthen our approach to QI projects? Have a read of Amar’s latest QI Essentials Blog.  Amar Shah is a consultant forensic psychiatrist and Chief Quality Officer at East London NHS Foundation Trust.
  21. Content Article
    AQuA are an NHS health and care quality improvement organisation at the forefront of transforming the safety and quality of healthcare. They are based in the North West and work with over 70 member organisations. They also undertake a number of consultancy based projects across the UK with both health and care organisations.
  22. Content Article
    Healthcare professionals were made aware of alerts and letters issued about adrenaline auto-injectors in September and October 2019 by the Medicines & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency. This article provides a summary of recent advice issued to healthcare professionals, including information to provide to patients, to support safe use of adrenaline auto-injectors.
  23. Content Article
    This is the first in a series of blog posts by Suzette Woodward around implementing patient safety. Part one describes the growing sense of unease about the way we do safety in healthcare and how we can do it differently. It describes the dominant approach to patient safety in healthcare we use today – which has been coined by some as Safety I.
  24. Content Article
    What makes an outstanding hospital? is part of the Priory's Better Together podcast series. In this episode, Priory’s Director of Quality for Healthcare, Natasha Sloman, is joined by Professor Sir Mike Richards, former CQC Chief Inspector of Hospitals, and Paul Pritchard, one of Priory’s Managing Directors. They talk about what makes an ‘outstanding’ hospital and Priory’s approach to enabling ‘outstanding’ services.’
  25. Content Article
    HomeLink Healthcare (HLHC) has been providing clinical care in the home with Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (NNUHT) since January 2019, to release in-patient bed capacity and improve patient choice. The two organisations have co-created the service, NNUH at Home, creating additional capacity and promoting improvements in patient flow from hospital to home. A key feature of NNUH at Home is that it compliments and integrates with existing services, rather than replicating those already in place.
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