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Claire Cox


Everything posted by Claire Cox

  1. Content Article
    The Keep Going…….Don’t Stop! (KGDS) group was formed in May 2016 with a focus of creating work (related to growing older, dementia and health) that is easily accessible to people with a learning disability in different formats, predominantly easy read. The aim is to ensure the documents will support people with a learning disability to have more of an understanding of what is happening with their changing health needs as they grow older. By making the documents accessible, MacIntyre can make sure they are involving the people they support as much as possible and staff can be confident that they have the tools to support such conversations.
  2. Content Article
    This resource, produced by the MacIntyre Dementia Project, is designed to provide: An understanding of what discrimination and stigma is and how it can affect a person. Knowledge of how to recognise when a person is being discriminated against. Knowledge of who to report concerns to.
  3. Content Article
    This animation has been made to help patients stay safe while they are in hospital. It has been developed by Haelo, an innovation and improvement centre in Salford, in partnership with Guy’s and St Thomas’, and is based on the airline-style safety card developed by Guy’s and St Thomas’.  Designed as part of their award-winning Welcome Pack, the safety card supports our commitment to patient safety and enables patients to play an active role in their care.
  4. Content Article
    Most people experience anxiety at some point in their life, but this may be more acute for a person with a learning disability or autism who then develops dementia. If a person has a history of being anxious or of living with a condition, particularly conditions like OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder), phobias or panic disorders that makes them anxious, developing dementia may then make that worse. The person's communication skills may have diminished due to their dementia, leaving them frustrated at being unable to express themselves and anxious about the consequences of this.
  5. Content Article
    In this case study, Angela gives us a first person account of her life, detailing her family history, life with her husband, her interests and her healthcare, including her recent diagnosis of dementia. Nicola, who has supported Angela with her diagnosis, reflects on the importance of telling Angela about the diagnosis and the support needed moving forward.
  6. Content Article
    This patient information leaflet produced by Guys and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust gives 8 simple steps to keep yourself safe during your stay in hospital. These include; Preventing falls Preventing blood clots Preventing infection Your medicines Pressure ulcers Identification Your concerns Leaving hospital.
  7. Content Article
    It is important to be able to talk about end of life with the people, it is not a topic that should remain taboo. We must break through barriers and remove any stigma associated with talking about end of life care. The people we support are entitled to a ‘good’ death, everyone is. Staff teams must respect their end of life wishes and have those ‘difficult’ conversations so that they know what these wishes are. 
  8. Content Article
    This is Alison’s Story. The charity MacIntyre supports Alison. She has Down’s Syndrome and a diagnosis of dementia.  Her story is one of relationships and the emotional impact that dementia can have on friendship. Alison has a really close relationship with Rachel, her best friend who she also lives with. In this case study you will hear: who Alison is how she received her diagnosis of dementia a reflection on Alison's diagnosis by her support manager.
  9. Content Article
    Advance Care Planning (ACP) is becoming increasingly important in ensuring that people receive good care and ultimately experience a “good death”. ACP can lead to less aggressive or invasive medical care, better quality of life near death, decreased rates of hospital admission, and people being more likely to receive care that is aligned with their wishes and dignity. It can be a difficult subject to discuss and can be confusing for health and social care professionals, staff and families, due to a lack of knowledge about ACP and a lack of awareness regarding the legal position.
  10. Content Article
    The accident and emergency grab sheet has been developed by Macintyre to aid quick information handover in an emergency situation.
  11. Content Article
    People with a learning disability must be involved in all decisions about their health, and be in control over these choices. Some of the barriers to equal access to healthcare faced by people with a learning disability are: Lack of information that is easy to understand. ‘Diagnostic overshadowing’ - when signs and symptoms are mistakenly attributed to the person’s learning disability. Family carers and others who know the person well are not listened to when they are often able to describe changes in the person in a way that will aid diagnosis. A hospital might assume that the person has 24-hour support, when in fact they only get a few hours’ support a week and will need some extra help to follow the post-discharge treatment plan.
  12. Content Article
    In this episode of the 'MacIntyre Families Podcast' Jim Blair, a leading Learning Disability Nurse, Health Advisor at the British Institute of Learning Disabilities and Associate Professor at Kingston and St George's Universities answers questions submitted by the people Mcintyre support, their families and staff. Jim has over two decades of experience working as a learning disability nurse and is passionate about ensuring everyone with a learning disability is heard and involved in decisions about their own lives.
  13. Content Article
    As part of its commitment to a safe healthcare system for all South Australians (SA), the SA Department of Health and Wellbeing (DHW) has used the Safety Learning System (SLS) since 2011. This is an incident management system that allows healthcare staff to report incidents and near misses. They are reviewed, escalated where appropriate, analysed and investigated in an attempt to prevent their occurrence in the future. The SLS is a “state-wide” system which allows healthcare professionals access to report incidents in all SA public health services and related agencies such as ambulance.
  14. Content Article
    The Antibiotic Resistance & Patient Safety Portal (AR&PSP) is an interactive web-based application that was created to innovatively display data collected through CDC’s National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN), the Antibiotic Resistance Laboratory Network (AR Lab Network), and other sources. It offers enhanced data visualizations on Antibiotic Resistance, Use, and Stewardship datasets as well as Healthcare-Associated Infection (HAI) data.
  15. Content Article
    Founded in 1951, The Joint Commission seeks to continuously improve health care for the public, in collaboration with other stakeholders, by evaluating health care organisations and inspiring them to excel in providing safe and effective care of the highest quality and value. The Joint Commission evaluates and accredits more than 22,000 health care organisations and programs in the United States. The below link takes you to the 2020 National Patient Safety Goals (NPSGs) for the Ambulatory Health Care program. The purpose of the National Patient Safety Goals is to improve patient safety. The goals focus on problems in health care safety and how to solve them.
  16. Content Article
    This poster produced by the Safe Anaesthesia Liaison Group, is aimed at theatre staff - especially anaesthetists. it is to ensure they have a second checker when it comes to administering an anaesthetic block.
  17. Content Article
    Survive the wards with key information at your fingertips with this top rated app. It provides clear and succinct information to help UK Foundation doctors navigate some of the common clinical scenarios that they'll face on the wards.
  18. Content Article
    The COVID-19 pandemic has changed most lives internationally. Households have shifted, balancing financial concerns and anxieties about the health of family and friends with the trials and responsibilities of childcare. During this pandemic it became clear that while many were struggling with the same issues, a series of shared stories could help the wellbeing of frontline NHS staff who might feel isolated and alone. The following voices are not unique to Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, anaesthesia or healthcare in the UK, but they were selected from the department to represent some of many healthcare workers who have taken on new professional roles as well as radically different ways of working and living.
  19. Content Article
    The East Midlands Academic Health Science Network have captured a number of different perspectives and experiences of COVID-19. These highlight pivotal moments, barriers, and learnings. The experiences and learnings will be particularly useful as the health and care system plans for reset, restoration, and recovery. 
  20. Content Article
    Tens of thousands of patients fall in health care facilities every year and many of these falls result in moderate to severe injuries. Find out how the participants in the Center for Transforming Healthcare’s seventh project are working to keep patients safe from falls.  
  21. Content Article
    Do you know your medicines? Do you keep a list? Can you describe and discuss your medicines with healthcare professionals and family when you want to? Keeping track of your medicines and communicating about them can be tricky as there can be so many details to remember. This is especially important if you have a healthcare appointment or are going to hospital.   This "Know Check Ask" campaign website is here to help. Please click on the content below to learn more about taking medicines safely.
  22. Content Article
    This web page includes the four work streams that Health Improvement Scotland are undertaking. These include: Falls Deteriorating patient Catheter induced infections Pressure ulcers.
  23. Content Article
    This webpage is to provide resources and expertise that will help UK pharmacists at the beginning of their careers to tackle the clinical problems that will confront them throughout their professional lives. This site is aimed at pre-registration and foundation level pharmacists in hospitals.
  24. Content Article
    This alphabetical index helps NHS staff with an interest in the safe use of medicines to quickly find e-learning or videos that have already been produced by the NHS, government agencies, or professional bodies.
  25. Content Article
    National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) subject matter experts provide updates on NHSN Analysis for 2020. Topics include: Changes to NHSN Dataset Generation (DSG) Adjusted Ranking Metric (ARM) & the Reliability-Adjusted Rankings Dashboard MDRO/CDI Module analysis updates, 2020 CLABSI analysis changes and introduction to SIR/SUR percentile distribution 2020 changes to the HAI-AR analysis reports Recently published NHSN surveillance reports Patient Safety Portal.
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