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Claire Cox


Everything posted by Claire Cox

  1. Content Article
    In this briefing, the Improvement Analytics Unit (a partnership between the Health Foundation and NHS England) identifies some early signals of changes in hospital use by vanguard care home residents in Wakefield, in order to inform local learning and improvement.
  2. Content Article
    As part of its commitment to supporting the third sector, The King’s Fund works in partnership with GSK to run the GSK IMPACT Awards, which provide leadership development and funding for award winners.
  3. Content Article
    The 4AT, developed in the UK, is now widely used internationally as a clinical tool for delirium detection in routine, non-specialist care, with increasing adoption for this specific use as well as in research studies. It has been validated in several published studies.
  4. Content Article
    Postoperative delirium is common and has multiple adverse consequences. Guidelines recommend routine screening for postoperative delirium beginning in the post-anaesthesia care unit. The 4 A’s test (4AT) is a widely used assessment tool for delirium; however, there are no studies evaluating its use in the post-anaesthesia care unit.  Saller et al. evaluated the performance of the 4AT in the post-anaesthesia care unit in a tertiary German medical centre. The findings published in Anaesthesia suggest that the 4AT is an effective and robust instrument for delirium detection in the post-anaesthesia care unit. suggest that the 4AT is an effective and robust instrument for delirium detection in the post-anaesthesia care unit.
  5. Content Article
    This case story is based on real events and NHS Resolution is sharing the experience of those involved to help prevent a similar occurrence happening to patients, families and staff. Although the case occurred in the emergency department there is learning for other departments. As you read about this incident, please ask yourself: Could this happen in my organisation? Who could I share this with? What can we learn from this?
  6. Content Article
    A patients perspective on a clinical negligence claim by NHS Resolution.
  7. Content Article
    This is a case study by NHS Resolution into recognising and avoiding significant maternal and neonatal hyponatraemia.
  8. Content Article
    This report is a practical guide to developing an organisation-wide approach to improvement. It summarises the benefits of such an approach and outlines the key elements and steps that NHS trust leaders should adopt when pursuing this agenda.
  9. Content Article
    Collecting feedback on the care provided to bereaved families and carers following the death of a child or young person is of critical importance to improving bereavement care. Whilst some local healthcare systems have well-established mechanisms and questionnaires for collecting such feedback, many have indicated that they do not and would value guidance in this area.
  10. Content Article
    The highest performing teams have one thing in common: psychological safety – the belief that you won’t be punished when you make a mistake. Studies show that psychological safety allows for moderate risk-taking, speaking your mind, creativity, and sticking your neck out without fear of having it cut off – just the types of behaviour that lead to market breakthroughs.  This article in the Harvard Business Review suggests six practical points to create a psychologically safe environment. 
  11. Content Article
    The Multi-professional Patient Safety Curriculum Guide (2011) was developed by the World Health Organization to assist in the teaching of patient safety in universities and schools in the fields of dentistry, medicine, midwifery, nursing and pharmacy. It also supports the on-going training of all healthcare professionals.
  12. Content Article
    Jeroen Tas, Philips’ Chief Innovation & Strategy Officer, met with three young and inspiring data scientists to discuss technology opportunities in healthcare. At Philips, the journey towards a healthier and more sustainable world starts with listening to the younger generation and future decision-makers.
  13. Content Article
    This case story is based on real events and NHS Resolution is sharing the experience to improve the quality of care provided to all patients, families and staff. This case study is around management of suspected maternal sepsis. 
  14. Content Article
    This guidance note is for general information purposes only. It is not exhaustive but does cover the essential elements needed for parties involved with pharmacy appeals.
  15. Content Article
    This leaflet draws attention to the number and cost of pressure ulcers suffered by women in maternity units. It provides information on common themes, their impact and what you can do to prevent them.
  16. Content Article
    The Clinical Negligence Scheme for Trusts was established by the Regulations originally made pursuant to Section 21 of the National Health Service and Community Care Act 1990 and now under Section 71 of the National Health Service Act 2006 as amended by the Health and Social Care Act 2012. The Scheme is administered on behalf of the Secretary of State by the National Health Service Litigation Authority (the Administrator). Members are expected to have full knowledge of the Rules and by applying to become Members they are deemed to agree to be bound by them. Subject to the approval of the Secretary of State, these Rules may be amended from time to time by the Administrator.
  17. Content Article
    This document sets out the requirements for when and how a member should report a new claim to NHS Resolution. It also provides other useful information, such as what to expect once a claim has been reported and common definitions.
  18. Content Article
    This note provides guidance to those who may be approached to give a statement or evidence in court as a witness in a non-clinical claim case.
  19. Content Article
    This note provides guidance to those who may be approached to give evidence as a witness if you were involved in providing care and treatment to a claimant on behalf of a Trust.
  20. Content Article
    This report by NHS Resolution provides an in-depth examination of these rare but tragic incidents and the investigations that follow them. For the purposes of this study they focused on 50 cases of cerebral palsy where the incidents occurred between 2012 and 2016 and a legal liability has been established. Working in partnership with other organisations, including the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, the Royal College of Midwives, NHS England and NHS Improvement, NHS Resolution have highlighted areas for improvement and made clear recommendations to help trusts prevent further incidents. The study draws upon the unique data set NHS Resolution holds to address two key areas for improvement: training to prevent future incidents and the quality of serious incident investigations.
  21. Content Article
    This case story highlights the missed opportunities that could have prevented a cardiac arrest and subsequent severe hypoxic brain injury in an intensive care patient. 
  22. Content Article
    This case story highlights the need for a consistent emergency response to convulsions in children, looking specifically at sudden unexpected death in epilepsy. NHS Resolution case stories are based on real events. They are sharing the experience of those involved to help prevent a similar occurrence happening to patients and staff.
  23. Content Article
    This guidance by NHS Resolution, aims to provide advice for commissioners seeking to ensure that providers with which they are proposing to contract have in place adequate indemnity arrangements. Commissioners need to understand and take account of the differences in cover for clinical negligence risks purchased by healthcare organisations. Commissioners have an important role to play in ensuring that providers possess adequate indemnity. Crucially, they need to understand that in certain circumstances they will have to take over directly the liabilities of providers.
  24. Content Article
    This case story is based on real events; NHS Resolution is sharing the experience of those involved to help prevent a similar occurrence happening to patients, families and staff.
  25. Content Article
    This note focuses on how you can prepare for giving evidence in court, the phases of giving evidence and top tips for presenting yourself professionally and credibly.
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