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Claire Cox


Everything posted by Claire Cox

  1. Content Article
    The phrase ‘assistive technology’ is often used to describe products or systems that support and assist individuals with disabilities, restricted mobility or other impairments to perform functions that might otherwise be difficult or impossible. An assistive technology product can be classed either as a medical device, which needs a CE mark and is regulated by the applicable legislation, or it can be an ‘aid for daily living’. It depends on the claims made by the manufacturer. This guidance set out by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) helps manufacturers and healthcare professionals understand the definition of assistive technology and the difference between medical devices and aids to daily living.
  2. Content Article
    Never Events are patient safety incidents that are considered preventable when national guidance or safety recommendations that provide strong systemic protective barriers are implemented by healthcare providers. 
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    National bodies can provide systems and policies for the NHS, but safety is improved at the point of care. Lauren Mosley, Head of Patient Safety Implementation, and Donna Forsyth, Head of Investigation, describe the new Patient Safety Incident Response Framework (PSIRF).
  4. Content Article
    This report aims to build a better understanding of the role of patient and public involvement (PPI) in research, helping ensure meaningful involvement that has tangible impacts and to mitigate against undesired consequences.
  5. Content Article
    This research paper discusses the problem of decision fatigue and how it can impact patient safety.  The authors hypothesised that decision fatigue, if present, would increase clinicians’ likelihood of prescribing antibiotics for patients presenting with acute respiratory infections as clinic sessions wore on.
  6. Content Article
    This 15 minute video from the Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust gives an introduction to what human factors is within healthcare.
  7. Content Article
    Human factors expert Guy Hirst looks at checklist implementation in healthcare.
  8. Content Article
    Treating the elderly and frail within the speciality of trauma emergency medicine is complex. This poster infographic from the Greater Manchester Trauma Network gives a great basic overview on what to look out for in this patient group.
  9. Content Article
    This infographic was produced by Sonia Sparkles, a Transformation Manager in the NHS. It highlights how to prevent falls in hospital.
  10. Content Article
    This is part of a continued professional development (CPD) module series for community pharmacy technicians. This module aims to help pharmacists and their teams recognise the importance of reporting patient safety incidents.
  11. Content Article
    The King's Fund commissioned this research project from Picker Institute Europe to examine the role of patient engagement and involvement in the quality and development of general practice services.
  12. Content Article
    Craig Bradley is Product & Business Lead (Associate Director) at Shire Pharmaceuticals and Chair of the Pharmaceutical Marketing Society. Here he talks about the importance of patient engagement within the pharmaceutical industry.
  13. Content Article
    Patient engagement improves patient, organisation and health system outcomes, but most research is based on primary care. The primary purpose of this study was to describe the characteristics of published  research that evaluated patient engagement in hospital health service improvement.
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    In this guest blog from NHS England, the Director of Policy for National Voices throws his support behind NHS England’s refreshed statutory guidance on the importance of involving patients and the public in commissioning.
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    The purpose of this study was to describe patient engagement as a safety strategy from the perspective of hospitalised surgical patients with cancer.
  16. Content Article
    Interesting article, by the Patient Safety Network, around how patients can be involved in the solution and the cause of some patient safety incidents.
  17. Content Article
    This report is part of a technical series on safer primary care, published by the World Health Organization. The series explores the magnitude and nature of harm in the primary care setting from a number of different angles and provides some possible solutions and practical next steps for improving safety. The patient engagement report examines why it is important to involve people using services in improving safety and how this might best be done.
  18. Content Article
    Involving patients in improving safety is a Health Foundation publication also known as an evidence scan. It is designed to help those involved in improving the quality of healthcare understand what research is available on a particular topic. This publication describes research into how patients have been involved in improving safety.  It addresses two questions: How have patients and carers been involved in improving safety in healthcare?  Is there any evidence that patient involvement leads to improved safety? 
  19. Content Article
    This report from the King's Fund explores in more detail the role of leaders in engaging a range of significant others in improving health and healthcare. 
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    In this thought paper published by The Health Foundation, Dr Rebecca Lawton and Dr Gerry Armitage look at ways to involve patients in clinical safety and the readiness of patients and health professionals to adopt new roles. They discuss the importance of involving patients in the development of patient engagement and involvement strategies. Genuine patient involvement in their own care requires a fundamental cultural shift in the relationship between patients and clinicians. 
  21. Content Article
    This guide published by the Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality (AHRQ) is a tested, evidence-based resource to help hospitals in the United States work as partners with patients and families to improve quality and safety.
  22. Content Article
    This discussion paper published in Patient Safety & Quality Healthcare (PSQH) examines the possible barriers and facilitators to patient engagement drawn from a literature search. It proposes a framework with recommendations to address these barriers and promote patient-provider engagement.
  23. Content Article
    A report of the National Patient Safety Foundation’s Lucian Leape Institute's roundtable on consumer engagement in patient safety.  This US based report looks at how increasing engagement between those who provide care and those who receive it at every level can result in improved health care outcomes for individuals and safer and more productive work environments for healthcare professionals. 
  24. Content Article
    This report states that patient and public engagement has been on the NHS agenda for many years, but the impact has been disappointing. There have been a great many public consultations, surveys, and one-off initiatives, but it argues that the service is still not sufficiently patient-centred. In particular, it looks at a lack of focus on engaging patients in their own clinical care, despite strong evidence that this could make a real difference to health outcomes. This paper argues that a more strategic approach is required to create the necessary shift in beliefs, attitudes and behaviours.
  25. Content Article
    The involvement of patients in their care is a top priority for the NHS, highlighted in the NHS Constitution and the NHS Five Year Forward View. Healthcare providers are encouraged to develop different relationships with patients and communities to help empower them and engage them in their care. This same approach applies to patient safety in healthcare, where greater engagement of patients is seen as one of the building blocks for improvement. .
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