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Claire Cox


Posts posted by Claire Cox

  1. Call 4 Concern is an initiative started by Critical Care Outreach Nurse Consultant,  Mandy Odell.

    Relatives/carers know our patients best - they notice the subtle signs of deterioration in their loved one.   Families and carers are now able to refer straight to the Critical care outreach team directly if they feel that care has not been escalated.

    Want to set up a call for concern initiative in your Trust?  Need some support?  Are you a relative that would like it in your Trust?

    Leave comments below -


  2. Have you witnessed poor care, reported an incident but you weren't heard or felt unsafe at work?

    Do you have the courage to speak up?

    Why should we need 'courage' to speak up at work?

  3. Hi Dani,

    Thanks for the post.  What a fantastic initiative and something that we, as a team , in Brighton are doing too.  

    I hear your frustration with the hurdles that you face when carrying out QI.  I wonder if our topic lead @Jono Broad could give you some advice  on over coming these hurdles.

    @Emma Richardson I understand you have just launched C4C at Brighton..... do you have any tips for @Danielle Haupt?

    keep up the great work!

  4. 1 hour ago, HelenH said:


    How can nurses spot error traps and near misses so that Trusts can learn, respond and take action to prevent unsafe care? What are the barriers to nurses using their insight and where is the good practice that we can share? Any ideas, anyone?

    Working in clinical practice is busy.  As a nurse, I dont have time to report every near miss.  I think this information is valuable and we could learn so much from it.

    Even if we did capture the data - how would our safety department cope with the demand?  Perhaps a restructure on what we report and how we deal with near miss reporting needs to be addressed?

    I would like to know id there is an app for reporting near misses - to make it simple and quick.  An app that is in actual use - not just in a tech company.

  5. 1 hour ago, HelenH said:

    We know that blame and fear is toxic. It makes working in healthcare unsafe for staff and is a huge barrier to patient safety - staff won’t share what goes wrong if they expect not to be listened to or worse, will be criticised or blamed for errors that are really attributable to unsafe systems. It would be really valuable to better understand how this feels and the impact it has on clinicians and the safety of patients and service users. 

    Good point Helen,

    If anyone would like to contact me with either a blog or a case study on how this has impacted patient care, I would be willing to help them on this  Claire@patientsafetylearning.org 

  6. 1 hour ago, HelenH said:

     I met at a recent conference a newly appointed Patient Safety Manager. She’d been working in a supporting role in another organisation and was delighted with her obviously well deserved promotion to a more senior role of patient safety manager in another Trust. But 6 days in, she’s had no induction, there is no patient safety strategy or plan in the Trust, there isn’t any guidance as how she should do her job other than just ‘get on with doing RCAs. ‘ She doesn’t know who she can turn to for advice or support either in her Trust or elsewhere. Are there networks of PSMs she can turn to? Surely there is a model framework for patient safety that is produced as a guide? How can we help her and other PSMs?

    I was wondering the same thing.  I would be interested in hearing from anyone with in patient safety team that would like to help us on this!

  7. Hi Helen,

    Great topic.  I am a Critical Care Outreach nurse.  We have just started involving patients and their families in the escalation process with regard to deterioration.

    We know that recognising the deteriorating patient is challenging in a busy hospital.  We rely on our NEWS charting and escalation process, but we miss the valuable insights of our families and patients. 

    In healthcare we often ignore the patient voice - here, we are encouraging that voice to let us know when things are not 'right' .

    We are setting up 'call for concern' where patients and families are given a mobile number that the outreach team hold.  They can raise concerns straight to us, we would then treat that as a referral to our service.

    I was wondering if anyone else had started this initiative?

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