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Claire Cox


Everything posted by Claire Cox

  1. Community Post
    Thanks Neal, This was a question the people from twitter were asking. I had no clue! (neither did any one else)
  2. Content Article
    PatientSafe Network in Australia has been promoting the theatre cap challenge across the world. By wearing your name on your theatre cap it can improve team work and patient safety. The PatientSafe Network is a registered non for profit charity. It has been developed by front line healthcare staff and is for anyone to use – patients, relatives, doctors, nurses, pharmacists, healthcare managers, equipment and system developers, insurers – who wants to improve patient safety.
  3. Content Article
    This paper published by Mangar Health gives an insight into the costs, personal and financial, of falls and how simple investment of equipment in the right place at the right time could potential save lives and significant money.
  4. Content Article
    This document sets out the policy statement and procedure for reporting, reviewing and investigating deaths of people who have been in receipt of services from the Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust. The policy demonstrates how Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust will quality monitor the process and provide the Board with assurance that deaths are being reviewed and learning/improvement is taking place to benefit future patients. 
  5. Content Article
    Serious Incidents in healthcare are adverse events, where the consequences to patients, families and carers, staff or organisations are so significant or the potential for learning is so great, that a heightened level of response is justified. This procedure describes the circumstances in which such a response may be required and the process and procedures for achieving it This policy provides managers with the process and procedures into the management and investigation of a Serious Incident, including guidance, templates and information.
  6. Content Article
    This article gives a brief description of what a matron does on a daily basis in an acute hospital.
  7. Content Article
    How can leaders ― with or without formal authority ― create psychological safety in healthcare? In this short video, Amy Edmondson, Novartis Professor of Leadership and Management at Harvard Business School, describes three key actions to foster a psychologically safe work environment.
  8. Content Article
    Strengthening a safety culture necessitates interventions that simultaneously enable, enact and elaborate in a way that is attuned to the existing culture. Through a literature review of more than 60 resources, a Patient Safety Culture Bundle has been created and validated through interviews with Canadian thought leaders. The 'Bundle' is based on a set of evidence-based practices that must all be applied in order to deliver good care. All components are required to improve the patient safety culture.
  9. Content Article
    This seven-minute video from the US Suicide Prevention Resource Center describes the first part of the Patient Safety Screener, the Patient Safety Screener (PSS-3), a tool for identifying patients in the acute care setting who may be at risk of suicide. The PSS-3 can be administered to all patients who come to the acute care setting, not just those presenting with psychiatric issues. For those who are positive, the second part of the Patient Safety Screener, referred to as the ED-SAFE Secondary Screener, can be administered to guide suicide risk stratification.
  10. Content Article
    Caring for patients in their homes holds many potential benefits, yet the safety of care provided in the home has not received as much attention as patient safety in hospitals and other clinical settings. In this video, Chief Clinical and Safety Officer Tejal Gandhi provides an overview of the Institute of Healthcare Improvement report, No Place Like Home: Advancing the Safety of Care in the Home.
  11. Content Article
    The Institute for Healthcare Improvement's (IHI) Tejal Gandhi and AHRQ’s Jeffrey Brady discuss the need for national goals and a collaborative approach in the US to advancing patient safety and sustaining improvement across systems and settings.
  12. Content Article
    This action plan from the Ipswich & East Suffolk Clinical Commissioning Group and West Suffolk Clinical Commissioning Group follows on from an infection control norovirus outbreak.
  13. Content Article
    This action plan was produced by the Ipswich & East Suffolk Clinical Commissioning Group and West Suffolk Clinical Commissioning Group following a treatment delay for a patient in intensive care.
  14. Content Article
    This report by the Royal College of Nursing has been produced from the analysis of a workforce survey designed to explore the employment and role-specific training and continuing professional development (CPD) of registered nurses and unregistered support staff working in maternity services across the UK.
  15. Content Article
    A Quality Account is an annual report which providers of NHS healthcare services must publish about the quality of services they provide. This quality account covers the services provided by Virgin Care. Virgin Care delivers services on behalf of NHS Dartford, Gravesham & Swanley, and Swale Clinical Commissioning Groups in North Kent, and is one of a number of providers of health and care services locally. 
  16. Content Article
    Professor Don Berwick, an international expert in patient safety, was asked by the UK Prime Minister to carry out a review following the publication of the Francis Report into the breakdown of care at Mid Staffordshire Hospitals.
  17. Content Article
    Emergency departments (EDs) are under ever increasing pressure, with performance in winter reaching new lows every year; putting both patient safety and staff morale at risk. While a significant increase in resources, for both the NHS and social care, is clearly needed there are actions that health service leaders and boards can take to help their systems maintain safety and improve performance over winter. 
  18. Content Article
    This is the British Medical Association's (BMA) response to the Bawa-Garba case. Dr Bawa-Garba was taken to the High Court, where a ruling on the 4th November 2015 deemed her guilty of manslaughter of six year old Jack Adcock on the grounds of gross negligence.
  19. Content Article
    Near misses or good catches present organisations with learning opportunities. Using data comparisons run by the Pennsylvania Patient Safety Authority, this article by Wallace et al. highlights how good catch programmes can contribute to significant reductions in harmful events and offers insights from risk managers and patient safety officers regarding elements that are necessary to establish successful good catch initiatives and the culture to support them.
  20. Content Article
    In this lecture from the PHEM (Pre Hospital Emergency Medicine) Feedback Showcase, Gordon Patterson (Patient Representative for Resuscitation Council UK and Patient Representative for PHEM Feedback) describes his experiences as a patient who experienced an out of hospital cardiac arrest 15 years ago. With him is Jonathan Dermott, the paramedic who was called to rescue him and provide resuscitative care, and who since has benefited from following up the case. He describes the life-changing consequences of his care both as a clinician and educator.
  21. Content Article
    This is the opening lecture of the 2019 PHEM (PreHospital Emergency Medicine) Feedback Showcase event.  It opens with an address from Ms Jacqueline Kelly, Dean of the School of Health and Social Work at the University of Hertfordshire.  It then gives an explanation of what PHEM Feedback is and how it came to exist.
  22. Content Article
    The Patient Safety Network (PSNet) discuss a case of a 65 year old who went in for one operation, but ended up having a completely different operation.
  23. Content Article
    This project is led by the Department of Anaesthesia at Newcastle upon Tyne NHS Foundation Trust, in partnership with Northumbria University Newcastle. The aim is to co-design a fatigue risk management strategy at the Trust to help teams effectively manage night shift fatigue. 
  24. Content Article
    Designed and tested by the Institute for Healthcare Improvement's (IHI) world-renowned safety experts, this toolkit includes documents on improving teamwork and communication, tools to help you understand the underlying issues that can cause errors, and valuable guidance about how to create and maintain reliable systems. Each of the nine tools includes a short description, instructions, an example and a blank template.
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