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Claire Cox


Everything posted by Claire Cox

  1. Content Article
    As cancer care becomes inundated with cutting edge and novel treatments, such as personalised medicine, oral chemotherapy, biosimilars, and immunotherapy, new safety challenges are emerging at increasing speed and complexity. 
  2. Content Article
    The Royal College of Radiologists’ (RCR) annual radiology workforce report collected data and commentary from imaging department leaders from all 172 UK health boards and trusts that employ radiologists. The report highlights the UK’s current and predicted shortage of radiologists and urgently calls for more funding for trainees and improved retention and recruitment.
  3. Content Article
    Pharmacy Voice’s Patient Safety Group has worked closely with the UK Medicines Information (UKMi) to further develop their risk assessment tool, which is used regularly in secondary care settings, to make the tool more accessible and valuable for community pharmacy teams. The Community Pharmacy Medication Safety Risk Assessment tool is designed as an aid in the systematic identification of potential patient safety issues associated with medicines before their introduction to clinical practice.
  4. Content Article
    This document sets out the General Medical Council's (GMC) expectation that all doctors will, whatever their role, take appropriate action to raise and act on concerns about patient care, dignity and safety. 
  5. Content Article
    The Information Commissioners Office (ICO) gives guidance on how to handle information about people's healthcare and medical affairs.
  6. Content Article
    This joint statement from the Health Research Authority and the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency, supported and endorsed by the Devolved Administrations, sets out the legal and ethical requirements for seeking and documenting consent using electronic methods. This statement is aimed at electronic signatures obtained for clinical trials.
  7. Content Article
    The Dignity in Care campaign was launched in November 2006, and aimed to put dignity and respect at the heart of UK care services. The Dignity in Care campaign is led by the National Dignity Council, it operates as a charity, inspiring people to be part of a nationwide movement of champions, working individually and collectively to promote access to dignity as a human right for all.  Before the Dignity in Care campaign launched, numerous focus groups took place around he country to find out what Dignity in Care meant to people. The issues raised at these events resulted in the development of the 10 Point Dignity Challenge (now the 10 Dignity Do's). The challenge describes values and actions that high quality services that respect people's dignity.
  8. Content Article
    The Mental Capacity Act (MCA) is designed to protect and empower people who may lack the mental capacity to make their own decisions about their care and treatment. It applies to people aged 16 and over. The NHS provides a summary of the Act.
  9. Content Article
    Which? magazine explores ways to keep people safe in their homes and outside by using electronic devices to alert others for assistance. Personal alarms allow people to call for assistance if they have an accident or a fall at home. They can help older and less abled people to feel safer at home, and to remain independent for longer. They can also offer peace of mind to family and friends.
  10. Content Article
    Health and social care systems, organisations and providers are under pressure to organise care around patients’ needs with constrained resources. To implement patient-centred care (PCC) successfully, barriers must be addressed. Up to now, there has been a lack of comprehensive investigations on possible determinants of PCC across various health and social care organisations (HSCOs). This qualitative study from Hower et al., published in BMJ Open, examines determinants of PCC implementation from decision makers’ perspectives across diverse HSCOs.
  11. Content Article
    The Black Country Partnership NHS Foundation Trust's medication error policy and pathway describes the procedure that must be followed when a medication error occurs.
  12. Content Article
    Information on when software applications are considered to be a medical device and how they are regulated written by the Medicines & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA).
  13. Content Article
    The General Pharmaceutical Council regulates pharmacists, pharmacy technicians and registered pharmacies in Great Britain.
  14. Content Article
    The Nursing and Midwifery Council exists to protect the public. They do this by making sure that only those who meet the requirements are allowed to practise as a nurse or midwife in the UK, or a nursing associate in England. They take action if concerns are raised about whether a nurse, midwife or nursing associate is fit to practise.
  15. Content Article
    The intention of this regulation, by the Care Quality Commission, is to prevent people from receiving unsafe care and treatment and prevent avoidable harm or risk of harm. Providers must assess the risks to people's health and safety during any care or treatment and make sure that staff have the qualifications, competence, skills and experience to keep people safe. The regulation does not apply to the person's accommodation if this is not provided as part of their care and treatment.
  16. Community Post
    Call 4 Concern is an initiative started by Critical Care Outreach Nurse Consultant, Mandy Odell. Relatives/carers know our patients best - they notice the subtle signs of deterioration in their loved one. Families and carers are now able to refer straight to the Critical care outreach team directly if they feel that care has not been escalated. Want to set up a call for concern initiative in your Trust? Need some support? Are you a relative that would like it in your Trust? Leave comments below -
  17. Content Article
    NHS Education for Scotland's multi-disciplinary information and resources to help you understand more about patient safety and your contribution to making care safer.
  18. Content Article
    This review of the literature by Mianda and Voce, published in BMC Health Services Research, was conducted towards identifying a model to inform clinical leadership development interventions among frontline healthcare providers, particularly for improved maternal and newborn care. The purpose of the literature review was to synthesise published evidence on frontline clinical leadership development and its evaluation, and included multiple frontline-care contexts. 
  19. Content Article
    This pledge card, produced by the Health Innovation Network, is designed to promote urinary catheter safety and good practice and, in turn, preventing infection. This initiative was part of catheter care awareness week. This pledge card could be used in numerous settings.
  20. Content Article
    The Faculty of Medical Leadership and Management (FMLM), The King’s Fund and the Center for Creative Leadership (CCL) share a commitment to evidence-based approaches to developing leadership and collectively initiated a review of the evidence by a team, including clinicians, managers, psychologists, practitioners and project managers. This document summarises the evidence emerging from that review.
  21. Community Post
    Have you witnessed poor care, reported an incident but you weren't heard or felt unsafe at work? Do you have the courage to speak up? Why should we need 'courage' to speak up at work?
  22. Content Article
    Between 2005 and 2008 conditions of appalling care were able to flourish in the main hospital serving the people of Stafford and its surrounding area. During this period this hospital was managed by a Board which succeeded in leading its Trust (the Mid Staffordshire General Hospital NHS Trust) to foundation trust (FT) status. The Board was one which had largely replaced its predecessor because of concerns about the then NHS Trust’s performance. In preparation for its application for FT status, the Trust had been scrutinised by the local Strategic Health Authority (SHA) and the Department of Health (DH). Local scrutiny committees and public involvement groups detected no systemic failings. In the end, the truth was uncovered in part by attention being paid to the true implications of its mortality rates, but mainly because of the persistent complaints made by a very determined group of patients and those close to them. This group wanted to know why they and their loved ones had been failed so badly. The report was laid before Parliament in response to a legislative requirement.
  23. Content Article
    This report by the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman is about an investigation into the Care Quality Commission’s (CQC) regulation of the Fit and Proper Persons Requirement (FPPR), which requires NHS providers to ensure that their directors are ‘fit and proper’ to carry out their duties.
  24. Content Article
    The Surgical Grand Rounds, hosted by the Nuffield Department of Surgical Sciences, are the key educational meetings for consultants, juniors and medical students. Presentations revolve around clinical cases and are followed by lively, educational discussion. These podcasts are brought to you by the Oxford University Medical Education Fellows.
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