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Claire Cox


Everything posted by Claire Cox

  1. Content Article Comment
    @Luke Brown looks like @Danielle Haupt needs your app!! Are you able to advise her?
  2. Community Post
    Incidents per 1000 bed days – what does this actually mean? How is this sum used to quantify incidents reported in an outpatient setting?
  3. Content Article
    In this article published in Harvard Business Review, Frost and Robinson discuss toxic handlers – managers who voluntarily shoulder the sadness, frustration, bitterness and anger of others so that high-quality work continues to get done. Managing the pain of others is hard work. Toxic handlers save organisations from self-destructing, but they often pay a high price – emotionally, professionally and sometimes physically. Some toxic handlers experience burnout; others suffer far worse consequences, such as ulcers and heart attacks. This article discusses burn out within healthcare and other industries, how it can happen and offers solutions. Free full text on sign up and registration.
  4. Content Article
    This paper, by the King's Fund, argues that the NHS in England cannot meet the healthcare needs of the population without a sustained and comprehensive commitment to quality improvement as its principal strategy.
  5. Content Article
    This report, by Anna Starling for The Health Foundation, identifies additional implications of the new care models programme for local health and social care leaders embarking on cross-organisational change. The new care models programme is a large-scale experiment by the NHS’s national bodies to develop ‘major new care models’ that can be replicated across England. Introduced by the NHS’s Five year forward view in 2014 and launched in 2015, it aims to break down the traditional barriers between health and care organisations to establish more personalised and coordinated health services for patients. The programme aims to reconcile ‘top-down’ and ‘bottom-up’ approaches to change management. To do this, 50 local vanguard sites were selected to develop new care models, supported by a national programme led by NHS England over 3 years. 
  6. Content Article
    At a time of increasing regulatory scrutiny and medico-legal risk, managing serious clinical incidents within primary care has never been more important. Failure to manage appropriately can have serious consequences both for service organisations and for individuals involved. This is the first book to provide detailed guidance on how to conduct incident investigations in primary care. The concise guide: explains how to recognise a serious clinical incident, how to conduct a root cause analysis investigation, and how and when duty of candour applies covers the technical aspects of serious incident recognition and report writing includes a wealth of practical advice and 'top tips', including how to manage the common pitfalls in writing reports offers practical advice as well as some new and innovative tools to help make the RCA process easier to follow explores the all-important human factors in clinical incidents in detail, with multiple examples and worked-through cases studies as well as in-depth sample reports and analysis. This book offers a master class for anyone performing root cause analysis and aiming to demonstrate learning and service improvement in response to serious clinical incidents. It is essential reading for any clinical or governance leads in primary care, including GP practices, 'out-of-hours', urgent care centres, prison health and NHS 111. It also offers valuable insights to any clinician who is in training or working at the coal face who wishes to understand how serious clinical are investigated and managed.
  7. Content Article
    The National Guardian’s Office (NGO) conducted a review of the handling of speaking up at Derbyshire Community Health Services Foundation Trust after receiving information that the trust might not have responded to one of its workers speaking up in accordance with good practice.  The review sought to identify learning on how support for speaking up could be improved, as well as to highlight existing good practice.
  8. Content Article
    Since the Government initially consulted on the package of Death Certification Reforms, new information about how Medical Examiner (ME) system could be introduced has been generated by the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC), ME pilot sites, early adopters of the ME system, as well as from the Learning from Deaths initiative. This case study outlines the approach of South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust as one of the early adopter sites.
  9. Community Post
    hi Andrew, i have just had a look at the link you sent - I have a meeting with the safety team at my trust tomorrow - Im going to show them this. Im liking the 'speaking in confidence part. thank you
  10. Community Post
    Hi Andrew, I would be interested in the apps. I have one on my phone that I have started to use called spotlight. Do you have the names of the other apps I could try?
  11. Content Article
    Patient-controlled personal health records facilitate coordinated management of chronic disease through improved communications among, and about, patients across professional and organisational boundaries. An NHS foundation trust hospital has used 'Patients Know Best' (PKB) to support self-management in patients with inflammatory bowel disease; this paper published in Digital Health presents a case study of usage.
  12. Content Article
    There are a number of different types of health record, accessing them is free, and healthcare professionals have a legal requirement to allow you to see them.
  13. Content Article
    The objective of this review is to contribute to the development of the GMC's policy in this area. Given the GMC’s role as a regulator of individual healthcare professionals (i.e. doctors) this study focuses on the types of requirements and standards applicable to or having implications for healthcare practitioners, rather than the regulation of healthcare providers (e.g. hospitals, surgeries etc.) or healthcare systems as a whole.  
  14. Content Article
    Age UK explain what Telecare is and how it could help you live independently and stay in control of your health and wellbeing. 
  15. Content Article
    The World Health Organisation describes what TeleHealth is and how it can improve healthcare access and outcomes.
  16. Content Article
    This review by Van Velthoven et al, published in BMJ Open, provides a systematic overview of standards for the development of health apps based on those for software of medical devices and clinical information systems.
  17. Content Article
    This document provides information about NHS England’s and NHS Improvement’s funding in 2019/20. It sets out how NHS England and NHS Improvement will support The NHS Long Term Plan through distribution of funding, people and resources, to transform local health and care systems. 
  18. Content Article
    The NHS App is for people aged 13 years and over who are registered with a connected GP surgery.
  19. Article Comment
    Hey Dani - Yes get it in the Newsletter! Do you need any more information? @Margot or @Sam may be able to help with some text? Or you could do a little write up on how you are finding it?
  20. Content Article
    Dan Jenkins, Head of Research Human Factors and Usability at DCA Design International, presents at the Clinical Human Factors Group Conference about using Human Factors to design better medical devices.
  21. Content Article
    This presentation, set out by NHS England, includes principles to aid the design of new services and areas within any healthcare setting across any sector.
  22. Content Article
    Health Building Notes give best practice guidance on the design and planning of new healthcare buildings and on the adaptation/ extension of existing facilities. They provide information to support the briefing and design processes for individual projects in the NHS building programme.
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