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Lorraine 2


Posts posted by Lorraine 2

  1. I was in a real panic after reading all the negative experiences patents were having regarding pain during Hysteroscopy  procedure. I accept these women’s experiences are real and what they have experienced should not have happened. But I also wanted to share my experience today which was a good one. 
    I was seen at ST James hospital Leeds. I was very anxious and nervous and  even felt nauseous and faint. The way I was feeling was mainly down to me reading online patient’s experiences regarding painful Hysteroscopy. 

    I was petrified, but I was one of the lucky ones. I was greated by friendly professional staff who  put me at ease from the start. 
    The Hysteroscopy Practitioner
    and nurses listened to all my concerns regarding the procedure and what I had read online. They admitted some women would not be able to tolerate the procedure because of stenosis of the cervix or other medical reasons. But if this was the case the procedure would be stopped. They told me I was in control at all times. It was my body and I could stop the procedure  if experiencing pain.
    The practitioner answered all my questions honestly and gave me time to make an informed decision. Even giving me options should I decide not to have it. I feel all women should be given informed choice and good practice should be shared across all NHS trusts. 

    I decided to go ahead, because I felt confident that my concerns had been listened to and I could stop the procedure if needed. I was treated with respect and dignity throughout. I was continually asked if I was ok and if I had any pain. I did  experience cramp period like pain but nothing that wasn’t bearable. A polyp was removed and biopsy taken . I was told I would receive a letter with the biopsy results within 4 weeks. 

    It saddens me to read some of the horrific stories some women have endured during this procedure. It should not be happening. Sharing good practice across all NHS trusts is essential for women to feel safe and listened to . Recording good and bad outcomes of women’s experiences during the hysteroscopy procedure is essential. I feel pain scores should also be recorded on all patients undergoing this procedure. So informed decisions can be made by professionals and patients in the future. 




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