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Posts posted by Lucas27

  1. Hey, community!

    So, recently, my mom was prescribed medication, but when we hit the pharmacy, it was a no-go – they didn't have it in stock. Cue a bit of stress. The impact on her health, both physically and mentally, was noticeable, and it left us wondering what went wrong.

    Unfortunately, the pharmacy couldn't provide a clear reason for the unavailability. We had to jump through some hoops to get it sorted out. It took a couple of weeks, but finally, the issue was resolved, and the medication was in hand.

    I'm curious to hear if anyone else has faced similar pharmacy adventures. Let's share stories and tips on dealing with these situations!

  2. So, I recently had an experience with a private orthodontist. Initially, things seemed promising – got the treatment I needed, and the support was decent.

    However, as time went on, I faced some ongoing issues. When I reached out, the orthodontist was responsive, but the problem persisted. I decided to escalate the matter and involve other healthcare professionals.

    They collaborated, which was great, but the resolution was still elusive. Frustrated, I eventually tried making a complaint to address the ongoing concerns.

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