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Everything posted by Suze

  1. Community Post
    My adult daughter has had significant issues getting her ADHD medication, which has been the case since last summer, and is a known issue. Each month she has to scour pharmacies across the county and go back and forth to the GP to change the prescription to something that might match available supply. She is unable to work without her medication as she can't focus or concentrate. I have heard that an ADHD person being without their medication is like a paraplegic being without a wheelchair - they won't die but their ability to function is significantly impaired. I have had a shortage of Calcium plus Vitamin D tablets to go with my alendronic acid osteoporosis treatment. I wasn't offered an alternative, even though there are many others. and getting an appointment with the GP to request a change is almost impossible. So I had to buy my own medication from the internet. I was not warned of the potential issues of not taking the supplement while continuing to take the alendronic acid. Had I continued to take alendronic acid without extra calcium I could have developed hypocalcaemia. Others may not have been able to buy the calcium themselves or get the right dose. I eventually managed to get an alternative after 3 months.
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