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Clive Flashman


Posts posted by Clive Flashman

  1. Hi,
    we at patient Safety Learning are looking to hold a virtual round table in the last week of June to look at how to improve patient safety related to the implementation of EPRs.

    If you are a clinician who has been directly involved with the roll out of an EPR,  then you could be part of the event. 

    All notes taken at the event will follow Chatham House rules and your participation will not be disclosed outside the round table group if that is your preference.

    If you'd like to be involved, please contact me (Clive Flashman) directly at support@pslhub.org 

    Many thanks, Clive

  2. Medication errors are an incredibly important area within the patient safety domain and I'm glad to see that companies like Triscribe are making data more visible within existing (ePMA) systems to help to improve this situation. I wonder if any of the following people might also have thoughts on this:
    @Anna Bond, @Suzanne Bell, @Kirsten Smith, @Kay Fenwick, @Andrea Gill, @Janet Thomas, @NicStk, @Fiona M, @Jane Starr, @A Dickinson, @Charlotteamy160, @Rachel Bulloch, @Namrita, @Kat, @Angela Carrington, @Sophie O'Dolan, @Sharon, @Alison Smith, @Phaeds, @Seetal Jheeta Puaar, @Dakota

  3. A response by Jono Broad, digital QI lead for Primary Care at NHS England:
    "I fully understand the situation and would agree with you with one caveat I would want this checked at an annual review and if agreed I would then want the patient to be able to self prescribe from a list of medication that is approved so we would not then have to use this important resource at all within an agreed framework. One day we will be able to manage our own care better."

  4. A response by Loy Lobo, past president of the Digital Health Section of the Royal Society of Medicine:
    "This is what happens when tech is used to make healthcare more "efficient" and it ends up making the relationship between the doctor and patient transactional. If the GP really knew you, either as a person as they used to, or from your data as they ought to now, maybe this would not happen."

  5. A response by Ayelet Baron, futurologist and author:
    "Imagine a future where the doctor is no longer at the center of sickcare ... it's coming. And we need you fully breathing!"

    A response to her by Dr Gyles Morrison, a clinical UX expert:
    "Yep, this is the sort of products I work on. We need to shift the power from clinicians to patients."

    A further response by Ayelet Baron:
    "Gyles, only when we each step into our power. And wouldn't it be amazing when we no longer call people patients once they step into the system. One of the conscious leaders in my first book shares a story of how dehumanizing it is when we visit a doctor and put on a gown. We are immediately seen as a patient and we can be perfectly healthy.

    We need healthy language to support healthy people and not just focus on disease. Pioneers in health and wellness who are focusing on our holistic four bodies are putting the human in the center. I've experienced some incredible new systems that are preventive.

    But it takes us, like Clive, to see the opportunity in everything and imagine a healthy reality that supports the vast majority of us, not the few.

    It's insane that in the US the first question you are asked when contacting the system is what's your insurance and what pharmacy are you at. For those of us who take no pharmaceuticals, it's quite bizarre."

  6. A response by Vijay Luthra, from Capita Healthcare:
    "Spot on Clive. Globally, clinicians and administrators in healthcare systems need to take account of patient literacy and digital inclusion.
    There are some patients who are perfectly capable of managing significant aspects of their own care and with the burden of chronic disease increasing, these people should be empowered and equipped to do so and thereby relieve some of the burden on clinicians and health ecosystems."

  7. A response by Hisham Haq, co-founder at SLOSH AI Solutions:
    "Hey Clive, the vast majority are not as qued on. On a real basis had someone use their inhaler like a perfume!
    What will help is when your GP knows you and even then you need to see the people to make sure they come in for their review. Everyone can learn all the time and things change."

    I responded: "I guess the trust is a two way street, and continuation of care with the same GP is an element of that, and increasingly rare these days."

    Hisham responded: "Clive, true and not valued or appreciated where it is delivered. Hence a dying art."

  8. A response from Jonathan Gregory, an Oncologist:
    "Hi Clive, I couldn't agree more. It sounds like my asthma is very similar to yours. I have an identical interaction with the GP when I need a repeat prescription every 2 years or so, despite being a hospital clinician.
    There is also the issue of more regular repeat prescriptions, I appreciate there is a need for some medication review - side effect checks, are they still needed etc, but there are long term patients who are also 'experts' who have to chase about for repeat prescriptions every 4-8 weeks for years on end and a GP has to sign them off (probably not really considering the issue) - do we really want to use GP's for such low value tasks that also do not deliver value for patients?"

  9. A response from @HelenH, CEO of Patient Safety Learning:
    "I have the same issue. Also I have monthly repeat medications for another long term condition, but have rather weirdly started getting monthly asthma inhalers - prevention and treatment. More than I need. I’ll have to go back and get them to change that. Not a very flexible or customer responsive system."

  10. It's rare that I post personal information of any kind on a website such as this, but this really irked me so felt it was worth sharing.

    Context: I've been an Asthma sufferer since the age of 3 years old. I know exactly how to manage my condition having had it for over 50 years, and have always used a blue ventolin inhaler as and when necessary (perhaps once every 2-3 months). I have not had any serious issues with my Asthma for at least 20 years, and then only in Hayfever season.

    Issue: I only renew my inhaler when it expires, every 2 years or so. Therefore it is not listed on my repeat medications list. My most recent one had just run out, so I needed a replacement.

    Action: I emailed the GP's website as I knew I was meant to, and received an automated email back saying that I would receive a response within 5 working days. So far so good.

    Response: I received another email response 2 days later (pretty good!) saying that the GP would have to call me to run through why I needed a new inhaler.

    GP call: The GP rang on the set day and within the allocated time window and started asking me how often I used the inhaler, for what, and did I really need that or the preventative one (which I've had before). At the end of our 10 minute call, she agreed that I just needed a replacement blue ventolin inhaler, as I had asked for in the first place.

    What a waste of the GP's time, and mine!!

    It made me think that it would be a helpful thing if certain patients with decades of experience in managing their condition(s) in a very stable way could be classed as 'expert patients' on their GP record. This could save a huge amount of wasted time on both sides!!

    This blog post first appeared on Linkedin on 30 October 2022. I will post some of the responses to it below for added insight.

  11. I was just listening to a podcast interview between Dr Rangan Chatterjee and Matthew McConaughey (In the series 'Feel better, live more').

    Matthew M. mentioned that he came from a highly resilient family. If someone fell over, his mother would tell them to get right back up straight away and carry on. He added that he thought that while this resilience was generally a good thing, there should be (what he called) a 'loophole' in it so that there was time to learn why they have fallen over to begin with. Was there a crack in the pavement that needed to be avoided? That way, it wouldn't happen again in the future.

    This made me think about whether there really was a conflict between resilience in organisations and the need to learn from failure.
    What do you think??

  12. Here is the response that I posted on Linkedin a couple of days ago:
    There are a lot of positive steps in this document, and also some worrying points that necessitate further clarification. Overall, it concentrates power into NHS England, with then much greater powers over that body by the SoS.
    There seems a disconnect between the ICB of the ICS, and the ICP. LAs seem to have disproportionate representation across the 2 elements of the ICS.
    I’m interested in the newly articulated triple aim, especially the aim around quality. How does the bill define quality (if it does)? Does this explicitly include patient safety ?
    I’m also heartened to see that the bill expects that patients & the public will be involved in decisions about the services that are provided locally.
    I’m worried that the social care assessments currently done before a patient is discharged will no longer have to be done and can’t tell what will replace these.
    The statutory replacement of HSIB by HSSIB and the protection of ‘safe space’ investigations is welcomed, but the scope for legal claims against Trusts to access these as evidence in the cases is very worrying.

  13. I have always believed that as a patient, I should own my data and that healthcare professionals are merely 'stewards' of it. I believe that legally it is owned by the Secretary of State (or at least it used to be).

    If I want to sell my information, I should be able to, with a highly transparent way of tracking who uses it (Blockchain or Holochain anyone?)

    There is an interesting company in the USA called Healix (or similar) that takes your genomic data and manages it on your behalf, only allowing other companies access to it on your behalf when you give permission, and you can revoke access at any time. A good model that could be applied more widely .....

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