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  1. News Article
    British scientists analysing data from a widely-used COVID-19 symptom-tracking app have found there are six distinct types of the disease, each distinguished by a cluster of symptoms. King’s College London team found that the six types also correlated with levels of severity of infection, and with the likelihood of a patient needing help with breathing - such as oxygen or ventilator treatment - if they are hospitalised. The findings could help doctors to predict which COVID-19 patients are most at risk and likely to need hospital care in future waves of the epidemic. Read full story Source: Reuters, 17 July 2020
  2. Content Article
    During the COVID-19 pandemic, health care leaders are working to support staff who are experiencing anxiety, stress, and intense demands. This guide from the Institute of Healthcare Improvement (IHI), which builds on the IHI Framework for Improving Joy in Work, includes actionable ideas that leaders can quickly test during the coronavirus response, and which can build the longer-term foundation to sustain joy in work for the health care workforce.
  3. News Article
    A GP surgery that had been told it required improvement has been shut down after an inspection found patients could be at "risk of harm". Hampshire's Brockhurst Medical Centre had already been due to close on 31 December. However, the Care Quality Commission (CQC) suspended its registration with "immediate effect" following an unannounced inspection on Monday. Patients are expected to be transferred to other practices on Saturday. In September, a CQC assessment of the practice, on Brockhurst Road in Gosport, rated it overall as "requires improvement". The issues highlighted in the report included that the practice "did not have systems for the appropriate and safe use of medicines" and "there was a risk that some patients were not receiving the care and treatment they needed". Following Monday's inspection, Garry Higgins, of the CQC, said it had taken "urgent action" to suspend the registration of the GP surgery. "We took the action because we believe if we didn't people using the service may be exposed to the risk of harm," he added. Read full story Source: BBC News, 5 December 2020
  4. Content Article
    A "Fair and Just Culture" supports learning from unsafe acts that result in potential or real harm as a way to prevent future errors. A fair and just culture strikes a balance between a punitive culture and a blame free culture. Differentiating acceptable from unacceptable behaviour associated with harmful events requires a consistent approach to determine culpability of individuals against system flaws that contribute to unsafe acts. More than one unsafe act by more than one individual can contribute to an event. For optimal learning and fair treatment of staff, each act should be considered individually using the same structured approach.
  5. Content Article
    Sebastian Hibberd, 6 years old, became ill on Saturday 10 October having developed intussusception of the bowel. He deteriorated over the weekend. His father sought medical advice on the Monday from NHS 111 and from his GP's surgery. Sebastian's condition went unrecognised as being life threatening. There were several missed opportunities for him to receive life saving treatment. Sebastian suffered a cardiac arrest and transferred to Derriford Hospital where he sadly died in the Emergency Department shortly after his arrival on the 12 October.
  6. Content Article
    In this TEN podcast, Dr Aseem Malhotra talks about the UK obesity crisis, the definitions of metabolic syndrome and why, in a very clear way, it’s not too late for us all. He is now advising the Health Secretary, Matt Hancock, about the links between obesity and metabolic syndrome and COVID-19 deaths. Dr Malhotra is an NHS Consultant Cardiologist, and world renowned expert in the prevention, diagnosis and management of heart disease. He is a founding member of Action on Sugar and was the lead campaigner highlighting the harm caused by excess sugar consumption in the United Kingdom, particularly its role in type 2 diabetes and obesity.
  7. Content Article
    It is now very common for clinicians to carry out consultations with patients over the telephone. If you have time to prepare for the consulation Steve Turner has some suggestions. The aim being to help all patients / users of health and care services lead on their own care. This is a rolling blog. Steve Turner is a nurse prescriber and clinical educator and Associate Lecturer at Plymouth University.
  8. Content Article
    The National Guardian’s Office (NGO) has been operational for four years. Following feedback on its performance, the NGO sets out how they are going to respond to this feedback in the coming year.
  9. News Article
    Many people in Britain are likely to suffer from physical and mental problems for several years after the COVID-19 epidemic has subsided. That is the grim message from doctors and psychologists who last week warned that even after lockdown measures had been lifted thousands of individuals would still be suffering. Some of these problems will be due directly to the impact that the virus has had on those it has infected, especially those who went through life-saving interventions in intensive care units (ICUs) in hospital. In addition there will be a considerable impact on vulnerable people affected by the lockdown and isolation. Read full Source: The Observer, 2 May 2020
  10. News Article
    In recent weeks, there has been sustained public and media interest in the death from COVID-19 of health and social care workers. Both mainstream and social media outlets have been reporting on these deaths individually or collectively, but there has been no formal analysis of this data. The deaths of 119 NHS staff have now been analysed by three leading clinicians and the results are been published by HSJ. HSJ highlights three key findings from the analysis: 1. The disproportionately high rate of BAME individuals among those who have died; 2. The absence of those members of staff considered at high risk of viral exposure and transmission; and 3. The overall rate of fatalities compared to the population. Read full story Source: HSJ, 22 April 2020
  11. News Article
    Delays in diagnosing and treating people with cancer could lead to more years of lost life than with COVID-19, according to a leading cancer expert. A drop-off in screening and referrals means roughly 2,700 fewer people are being diagnosed every week, Cancer Research UK says. Cancer screening has paused in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, with few invitations sent out in England. People are still advised to contact their GP with worrying symptoms. But Richard Sullivan, professor of cancer and global health at King's College London, said there was more fear of Covid-19 than of having cancer at the moment. With GPs more difficult to contact than normal, this was resulting in a "dramatic drop-off" in referrals to specialists, he said. "Most modellers in the UK estimate excess of deaths is going to be way greater than we are going to see with Covid-19," he said. Read full story Source: 22 April 2020, BBC News
  12. News Article
    The next few months will be full of grim updates about the spread of the new coronavirus, but they will also be full of homecomings. Patients hospitalised with severe COVID-19, some having spent weeks breathing with the help of a mechanical ventilator, will set about resuming their lives. Many will likely deal with lingering effects of the virus — and of the emergency treatments that allowed them to survive it. “The issue we’re all going to be faced with the most in the coming months is how we’re going to help these people recover,” says Lauren Ferrante, a pulmonary and critical care physician at the Yale School of Medicine. Hospital practices that keep patients as lucid and mobile as possible, even in the throes of their illness, could improve their long-term odds. But many intensive care unit doctors say the pandemic’s strain on hospitals and the infectious nature of the virus are making it hard to stick to some of those practices. Read full story Source: Science, 8 April 2020
  13. News Article
    NHS staff still do not have the protective equipment they need to treat coronavirus patients, medics have said. The British Medical Association (BMA) said doctors were putting their lives at risk by working without adequate protection. It comes as the health secretary said 19 NHS workers had died with coronavirus since the outbreak began. Read full story Source: BBC News, 11 April 2020
  14. News Article
    Doctors seeing patients with blood oxygen levels so low they are surprised they are conscious – yet they are sitting up and talking. British and American intensive care doctors at the front line of the coronavirus crisis are starting to question the aggressive use of ventilators for the treatment of patients. In many cases, they say the machines – which are highly invasive and require the patient to be rendered unconscious – are being used too early and may cause more harm than good. Instead they are finding that less invasive forms of oxygen treatment through face masks or nasal cannulas work better for patients, even those with very low blood oxygen readings. Dr Ron Daniels, a consultant in critical care at University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust, on Thursday confirmed reports from US medics that he and other NHS doctors were revising their view of when ventilators should be used. Read full story Source: The Telegraph, 9 April 2020
  15. News Article
    Shortages are dogging the fight against the coronavirus. At Bradford Royal Infirmary (BRI) it's still only possible to test six staff for the virus per day, consultants have been making their own personal protective equipment, and there's an urgent need to save oxygen. Searching for ways round the problem, Dr Tom has been working with Leeds University on a 3D-printed valve that could be attached to the hospital's ventilators to reduce the amount of oxygen they use. But he also began looking at CPAP machines used to treat sleep apnoea at home. These maintain air at a continuous pressure, inside a mask, to keep the user's airways open - they have to be repurposed to provide oxygen for use in the hospital, but they use much less of it than standard hospital ventilators. They said, 'Yes we've got 2,000, how many do you want?''' he says. "And so our plan is to start with 100 and to see whether, if we use these early enough during a patient's stay, we can prevent people deteriorating and needing to go on to the more complex ventilators, and needing to come to the intensive care unit." We've been testing them over the weekend, and there's evidence from China and from the US that they seem effective. They just help inflate your lungs and that seems to be beneficial. They are also very simple, which means that there's no need for a huge amount of training. Read full story Source: BBC News, 7 April 2020
  16. News Article
    Hundreds of people are dying in care homes from confirmed or suspected coronavirus without yet being officially counted, the Guardian has learned. More than 120 residents of the UK’s largest charitable provider of care homes are thought to have died from the virus in the last three weeks, while another network of care homes is reported to have recorded 88 deaths. Care England, the industry body, estimated that the death toll is likely to be close to 1,000, despite the only available official figure for care home fatalities being dramatically lower. The gulf in the figures has prompted warnings that ministers are underestimating the impact of Covid-19 on society’s most frail, and are failing to sufficiently help besieged care homes and workers. Read full story Source: The Guardian, 7 April 2020
  17. News Article
    The health service has been promised “whatever it needs” to deal with the coronavirus pandemic, but government spending choices reveal possible long-term changes to funding and policy. Having initially promised the health service “whatever it needs, whatever it costs” on 11th March, the government made this official when Matt Hancock issued a ministerial direction allowing the Department of Health to “spend in excess of formal Departmental Expenditure Limits”—effectively providing a blank cheque. But while the government’s actions are designed for the immediate crisis, they may be difficult to reverse once the peak of coronavirus has passed. Indeed, they could yet change how the health service operates on a permanent basis. Read full story Source: Prospect, 7 April 2020
  18. Content Article
    Acute and chronic pain place a huge burden on our society. Approximately 10% of the population in Western countries report suffering from chronic pain, and both chronic and acute pain are responsible for high absenteeism in the workplace. It is therefore crucial that we have effective ways of treating pain. Unfortunately though, we have no objective measures of pain - no blood tests, no urine dipsticks. We have to rely on what the patient tells us. So how then do we know what are and what are not effective pain treatments? It is here that the principles of evidence-based medicine have been of great value - helping us to understand the most effective forms of pain treatment. Bandolier's Little Book of Pain is a unique portable guide to evidence-based pain treatments. For each possible treatment, the book provides the evidence supporting the efficacy of the treatment, along with a clinical bottom line, for those requiring immediate information. Written by world leaders in the field of evidenced-based pain treatments, the book will be indispensable for the multi-disciplinary professionals managing acute and chronic pain in primary and secondary care.
  19. Content Article
    In this blog, Shawn Achor and Michelle Gielan discuss resilience, the importance of recovery and how we can build resilience.
  20. Content Article
    Disagreements are an inevitable, normal, and healthy part of relating to other people. There is no such thing as a conflict-free work environment. Amy Gallo explains why disagreements — when managed well — have lots of positive outcomes.
  21. News Article
    National NHS leaders are to take action over growing fears that the “unintended consequences” of focusing so heavily on tackling covid-19 could do more harm than the virus, HSJ has learned. NHS England analysts have been tasked with the challenging task of identifying patients who may not have the virus but may be at risk of significant harm or death because they are missing vital appointments or not attending emergency departments, with both the service and public so focused on covid-19. A senior NHS source familiar with the programme told HSJ: “There could be some very serious unintended consequences [to all the resource going into fighting coronavirus]. While there will be a lot of covid-19 fatalities, we could end up losing more ‘years of life’ because of fatalities relating to non-covid-19 health complications. “What we don’t want to do is take our eye off the ball in terms of all the core business and all the other healthcare issues the NHS normally attends to." “People will be developing symptoms of serious but treatable diseases, babies will be born which need immunising, and people will be developing breast lumps and need mammograms.” HSJ understands system leaders are hopeful that in the coming days they will be able to assess the scale of the problem, and the key patient groups, and then begin planning the right interventions and communications programme to tackle it. Read full story Source: HSJ, 5 April 2020
  22. Content Article
    This national learning report from the Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch (HSIB) will highlight the themes emerging from their contact with families during their patient safety investigations. It is due to be published in spring 2020. HSIB's national learning reports describe common themes and findings that come out of their national investigation programme and their maternity investigation programme. The information in these reports is used to inform future HSIB investigations or programmes of work.
  23. Content Article
    The four chief nursing officers of the UK asked all nurses who have retired from nursing in the last three years to consider re-joining the register held by the Nursing and Midwifery Council and come back into practice to help health and care services to support patients with COVID-19. In this article in the Independent, Elaine Maxwell explains why she is stepping up having left the Nursing and Midwifery Council register twelve months ago and not having worked clinically for 10 years.
  24. Content Article
    The way we treat cancer over the next few months will change enormously. Oncologists, will have to find a tenuous balance between under-treating people with cancer, resulting in more deaths from the disease in the medium to long term, and increasing deaths from Covid-19 in a vulnerable patient population. Lucy Gossage, an oncologist, discusses in the Guardian the difficult decisions that will need to be made.
  25. Content Article
    Dr Gordon Caldwell, a consultant physician, questions whether he should be ventilated if gets the coronavirus. Gordon is a 64 year old in good health. But in his blog he asks us to consider whether this would be a wise action and whether more harm than good would come from ventilating him. The process of ventilation may be the most important and dangerous fomite for the current generation of healthcare staff, but by jumping to “do it all” and “have a go” we may be shooting the human race in the foot; however well intentioned the motivation. Read Gordon's full blog in the attachment below.
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