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Everything posted by Sam

  1. News Article
    The NHS must ensure that doctors have proper protective equipment, Jeremy Hunt, the former health secretary, has urged. NHS chiefs say that there are no problems with national stock levels of items including masks, gowns and gloves and that local supply issues should have been resolved over the weekend. However, hospital staff say that they are still experiencing shortages, with nurses going to DIY shops to stock up or even refusing to work without the right equipment. One London doctor said: “Every time the government is asked they say the equipment is there, and it is just not true.” Read full story (paywalled) Source: The Times, 23 March 2020
  2. Community Post
    hub member Phil has added a blog on the implications of retired staff rejoining their registers and returning to frontline care, and how short shifts may benefit us all. What do you think?
  3. Content Article
    Bjonda Haliti shares her experience on Thread reader on her experience to help bring awareness to her age group and to relieve any stress/anxiety some may have due to the pandemic. 
  4. Content Article
    Chronically Awesome is a brand new charity supporting people of working age who live with chronic illness. As coronavirus has shown, all too little awareness and support exists for people who suffer with incurable illnesses that are often invisible. Chronically Awesome are building programmes to support people through things like exercise videos, mental health support, employment advice and more, all online to make it as accessible as possible to everyone. Chronically Awesome have created posters for people to use to show they are self-isolating and are sharing them with us via the link below. They are free to download, although they ask you to consider making a donation to their work via Paypal using the email address hello@chronicallyawesome.org.uk. Instagram @chronically.awesome Facebook at chronicallyawesometribe
  5. News Article
    Southampton researchers are trialling an inhaled drug that could prevent worsening of COVID19 in those most at risk. The trial, led by Tom Wilkinson, Professor of Respiratory Medicince in the Faculty of Medicine and a consultant in respiratory medicine at University Hospital Southampton, will involve 100 patients at Southampton and up to ten other NHS hospitals taking part. Those patients will receive the best current COVID19 care, whilst inhaling either a placebo or SNG001, a special formulation of the naturally occurring antiviral protein interferon beta 1a (IFN-β), for 14 days. The trial will be undertaken with Synairgen, a drug development company founded by University of Southampton Professors Stephen Holgate, Donna Davies and Ratko Djukanovic. Professor Wilkinson said, “COVID19 cis presenting a major challenge to vulnerable patients, the health service and wider society whilst a vaccine will be key, that could some time away. Right now we need effective frontline treatments to give doctors the tools to treat the most vulnerable and to help patients recover quickly as the pressure on health systems mounts." Read full story Source: University of Southampton, 18 March 2020
  6. News Article
    NHS staff say they are being put at risk during the coronavirus outbreak because of a lack of protective gear. One doctor told the BBC that frontline healthcare workers felt like "cannon fodder" as they do not have access to equipment such as face masks. Health workers also expressed concerns that not enough of them were being tested for the virus. Prime Minister Boris Johnson said the UK had "stockpiles" of personal protective equipment (PPE). But Dr Samantha Batt-Rawden, from lobbying group the Doctors' Association, said she had heard from doctors who had not got access to PPE - or it had expired or run out. "All these doctors are worried that that's increasing their likelihood of contracting the virus and then ultimately spreading it to patients," she said. Read full story Source: BBC News, 18 March 2020
  7. News Article
    Prime Minister Boris Johnson has announced plans to test more people for coronavirus. At the moment only people in hospital are being routinely tested, so if you have symptoms and you are not sure if you have the virus, you may well never know. As of 18 March, 56,221 people in the UK had been tested for coronavirus. The number of tests has been rising from just over 1,000 a day at the end of February, when testing began, to more than 6,000 per day by mid-March. The government plans to increase this to 10,000 a day initially, with a goal of reaching 25,000 tests a day. But it has been criticised by some experts for not testing widely enough, and people have been complaining online about not having access to tests despite having symptoms. Public Health England says it will do some surveillance testing on a local level if clusters of cases are identified, using a network of 100 designated GP surgeries. This is to try to get a sense of how many milder cases there are in the community that do not result in hospitalisation. But the UK is not currently doing any mass surveillance testing or actively tracing people who have come into contact with known cases The Director General of the World Health Organization (WHO), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, said he had a "simple message" for all countries: "Test, test, test." He added: "We cannot stop this pandemic if we do not know who is infected." The UK's chief scientific officer Sir Patrick Vallance told a group of MPs that "we simply don't have mass testing available for the population now", and that "when you only have capacity to do a certain number of tests" you have to prioritise the most vulnerable groups. Read full story Source: BBC News, 19 March 2020
  8. News Article
    The mother of a student, who took his own life, said today she felt 'sick to her stomach' after an NHS communications manager labelled a media report on her son's suicide a 'malarkey'. Pippa Travis-Williams, whose son Henry was found dead days after leaving a mental health unit run by the Norfolk and Suffolk Foundation Trust (NSFT) in 2016, said an email sent by NSFT communications manager Mark Prentice to his boss was 'disgusting'. It comes weeks after Mr Prentice gloated in another email to his boss that the NSFT had 'got away (again)' with media coverage of the death of a dementia patient. In an email to his boss, explaining why NSFT chief executive, Jonathan Warren, was going on BBC Look East, Mr Prentice said the NSFT might look 'uncaring' if Mr Warren did not appear and then described the coverage of Mr Curtis-Williams' suicide as a 'malarkey'. Read full story Source: Ipswich Star, 10 March 2020
  9. News Article
    Complaints about NHS care cannot always be investigated properly because of medical records going missing, the public services watchdog has said. Ombudsman Nick Bennett said many people were left "suspicious" and thought there was a "darker motivation". One woman whose notes went missing said she no longer trusted what doctors said and had lost faith in NHS transparency. The Welsh NHS Confederation said staff were "committed to the highest standards of care". In a report called Justice Mislaid: Lost Records and Lost Opportunities, Mr Bennett found 70% of 17 cases he looked at in Welsh NHS hospitals and care settings could not be properly investigated because of lost documents. Read full story Source: BBC News, 10 March
  10. News Article
    A police investigation has been launched into an alleged assault against an elderly patient with Alzheimer’s by NHS staff at the troubled East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust. The Independent can reveal nurses and carers at the William Harvey Hospital have been suspended after being filmed by hospital security staff for eight minutes allegedly holding down the man’s arms and legs as well as his face while they inserted a catheter. The trust has confirmed it has launched an investigation and alerted police after the incident on 15 December on the Cambridge J ward at the William Harvey Hospital in Ashford. A spokesperson “apologised unreservedly” for the incident and said it was being treated with the “utmost seriousness”. A whistleblower spoke out to The Independent about the incident, fearing it was being covered up by the trust after staff were told “don’t discuss it, don’t refer to it at all”. The senior clinician said they had decided to go public after the “horrific” incident because of the trust’s toxic culture and concerns for the welfare of other patients on wards. Read full story Source: The Independent, 7 February 2020
  11. Event
    NHS have organised a series of regional events for our membership to allow us to introduce our membership charter and for our members to with the claims management team and meet other functions of NHS Resolution. These forums are aimed at legal services representatives at trusts, CCGs, ambulance trusts and private hospitals involved in managing cases falling under our clinical and non-clinical indemnity schemes. These sessions are an opportunity for us to: Respond to feedback provided through our customer survey for greater interaction with our teams. Share with you our refreshed direction of travel in claims management through our membership charter. Share with you our strategic focus as an organisation. Provide you with a regional overview of claims. They will also allow you to question our panel of claims experts and meet representatives from our Safety and Learning, Practitioner Performance Advice, Finance, Policy and Strategy, Technical Claims and Early Notification teams. Further information and registration
  12. Event
    Clinically focused conference aimed at professionals working in patient safety, medical educators, HEE safety leads and nursing and midwifes. A complimentary event for NHS Resolution members. Key objectives: Review the key options for leadership in patient safety. Hear what makes consent effective for safe patient care. Hear the latest activities from the Getting it Right First Time team. Review the first national report on NHS Resolution’s maternity Early Notification scheme and key findings. Hear research on what makes a safe maternity unit. Examine clinical findings and new risks identified by the maternity Early Notification scheme. Hear the latest report by NHS Resolution on themes emerging from claims in the Emergency Department. Hear the Chief Nurse for the South of England discuss progress and priorities from the NHS Patient Safety Strategy. Network with senior clinical colleagues from across the region. Further information and registration
  13. Event
    This event is being organised by one of NHS Resolution's firms, Clyde & Co. The guest speakers will be John Whitting QC and Charlotte Gilmartin from 1 Crown Office Row who will be presenting on the following topics: A practical guide to going to trial. Witness preparation (from clinicians keeping accurate case notes to maintaining calm). Cross-examination tips, tricks and traps. Further information and registration
  14. Event
    Clinically focused conference aimed at professionals working in patient safety, Medical Educators, HEE Safety Leads, and Nursing and Midwife. Key objectives: Review the key options for leadership in patient safety. Hear what makes consent effective for safe patient care. Review the first national report on NHS Resolution’s maternity Early Notification scheme and key findings. Hear the latest activities from the Getting it Right First Time team. Hear research on what makes a safe maternity unit. Share best practice in supporting staff involved in clinical incidents fairly and embedding a just learning culture. Explore best practice in supporting staff attending inquest. Network with senior clinical colleagues from across the region. Further information and registration
  15. Event
    This event is being organised by NHS Resolution's legal panel firms, Weightmans. Weightmans are pleased to announce the first event in our Spring 2020 healthcare seminar programme, ‘clinical negligence update: recent developments and case law’. Mr Paul Reynolds of 1 Crown Office Row to our London office who will be providing us with a general clinical negligence update including all recent developments and case law. Paul, who was called to the Bar in 2010, has vast experience acting for both claimants and defendants in clinical negligence cases. His clinical negligence work frequently includes advising on complex points of law that may arise out of a clinical negligence claim. The seminar will include discussion of the recent developments including case law in respect of the following: consent non-delegable duties vicarious liability. Further information and registration
  16. Event
    This course is being organised by Capsticks, one of NHS Resolution's legal panel firms. Capsticks invite you to join us at our forthcoming inquests seminar series specifically designed for the health and social care sector. The role of the Medical Examiner is now being implemented and we are delighted to have at each of our seminars the relevant Regional Medical Examiner, which presents an invaluable opportunity to hear exactly how the new Examiners are going to integrate and work within the system, and the implications for your organisations and clinicians alike. Further information and registration
  17. Event
    This workshop from NHS Resolution has been designed for anyone who undertakes the case investigator role in investigations about practitioners. The skills and knowledge shared are based on practitioner performance best practice and is therefore transferable if you are commissioned to review any part of a practitioner’s performance. Further information and registration
  18. News Article
    A GP has been given three life sentences for 90 sex assaults on female patients. Manish Shah assaulted 23 women and a 15-year-old girl while working in London - carrying out invasive examinations for his own gratification. The Old Bailey heard he used Angelina Jolie and Jade Goody as examples to frighten patients about their health. Judge Anne Molyneux described him as a "master of deception who abused his position of power". "You made up stories which got into heads and caused panic," she said. Shah, from Romford, convinced his victims to have unnecessary checks between May 2009 and June 2013. Read full story Source: BBC News, 7 February 2020
  19. News Article
    Patients were harmed at a Midlands trust because of delays in receiving outpatients and diagnostics appointments, the Care Quality Commission (CQC) has warned. Following the inspection at Northern Lincolnshire and Goole Foundation Trust in September and October last year, the CQC has lowered the trust’s rating in its safety domain from “requires improvement” to “inadequate”. It warned there were insufficient numbers of staff with the right skills, qualifications and experience to “keep patients safe from avoidable harm”. The report noted the trust had identified incidents in 2018 and 2019 where patients had come to harm due to delays in receiving appointments in outpatients, particularly in ophthalmology. Ten patients were found to have come to low harm, one patient moderate harm and two patients severe harm. The CQC also issued a Section 31 letter of intent to seek further clarification in relation to incidents where patients had come to harm because of delays to receiving appointments in outpatients and diagnostic imaging, although it has confirmed the trust has provided details on how it is going to manage the issues raised. The watchdog said it would continue to monitor the issue. Read full story (paywalled) Source: HSJ, 7 February 2020
  20. News Article
    Dozens of women who thought they were having a "complete mesh removal" have discovered material has been left behind, the BBC's Victoria Derbyshire programme has been told. Some women have been left unable to walk, work or have sex after having the initial vaginal-mesh implants. Specialist surgeons say in some cases total or partial mesh removal can be beneficial. But some women said their symptoms had become worse. One was left suicidal. Vaginal-mesh implants remain available on the NHS in England but only when certain conditions are met. In Scotland, the use of mesh was halted in 2018. One paitent said her surgeon had promised her a "full mesh removal", but she has now been told more than 10cm (4in) could have been left behind. She had the mesh implanted several years ago to treat urinary incontinence and said she had woken after the surgery with "chronic pain in my legs, my groin and my hips". It is believed she suffered nerve damage. A year later – after being told by one expert a mesh removal would be unlikely to resolve her pain – she found a surgeon who told her the implant could be completely removed. She had two operations, each taking her half a year to recover from, and was told there had been a full removal. But "within a few months" the pain began to return and her health deteriorated and she found out that only 5–8cm had been removed. "My whole world turned upside down," she said, breaking into tears. She has since been told by a separate specialist her form of mesh was one of the most difficult to remove and could cause significant nerve damage if not removed properly. She said she had never been told this by her surgeon. The number of women affected is unknown but the Victoria Derbyshire programme understands there are at least dozens of such cases. The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists said in a statement that it took "each and every complication caused by mesh very seriously". It said: "Women must be informed of all options available and the benefits and risks of each so they can make the best decision about their care." Read full story Source: BBC News, 6 February 2020
  21. News Article
    A shortage of contraception is causing chaos and risks unplanned pregnancies and abortions, doctors are warning. Leading sexual health experts have written to ministers warning that the supply shortage of contraceptives is beginning to lead to serious problems across the UK. A number of daily pills and a long-acting injectable contraceptive are thought to be affected, including Noriday, Norimin and Synphase. The problem follows a shortage of hormone replacement therapy for menopausal women last year. It is unclear how many women use these types of contraception - overall around three million women take daily pills, and more than 500,000 use long-acting contraception, such as coils, implants and injections. The Royal College of GPs said its members were doing their best to help women find alternatives - there are many different types of daily pill available. Faculty president Dr Asha Kasliwal said; "We are aware that women are sent away with prescriptions for unavailable products and end up lost in a system. This is causing utter chaos." The faculty has teamed up with the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and the British Menopause Society to write to ministers, asking them to set up a working group to address the problems. The letter warns women are becoming distressed by having to find alternative products that might not necessarily suit them or go without contraception altogether. It said this was affecting the "physical and mental wellbeing of girls and women" and could lead to a "rise in unplanned pregnancies and abortions". Read full story Source: BBC News, 7 February 2020
  22. Content Article
    The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, Ms Nadine Dorries, responds to the Paterson Inquiry in the House of Commons. It is followed by questions from MPs in the chamber and Ms Dorries' responses.
  23. News Article
    The toxicity of a commonly prescribed beta blocker needs better recognition across the NHS to prevent deaths from overdose, a new report warns today. The Healthcare and Safety Investigation Branch (HSIB) report focuses on propranolol, a cardiac drug that is now predominately used to treat migraine and anxiety symptoms. It is highly toxic when taken in large quantities and patients deteriorate quickly, making it difficult to treat. The investigation highlighted that these risks aren’t known widely enough by medical staff across the health service, whether issuing prescriptions to at risk patients, responding to overdose calls or carrying out emergency treatment. Dr Stephen Drage, ICU consultant and HSIB’s Director of Investigations, said: “Propranolol is a powerful and safe drug, benefitting patients across the country. However, what our investigation has highlighted is just how potent it can be in overdose. This safety risk spans every area of healthcare – from the GPs that initially prescribe the drug, to ambulance staff who respond to those urgent calls and the clinicians that administer emergency treatment." The report also emphasises that there is a link between anxiety, depression and migraine, and that more research is needed to understand the interactions between antidepressants and propranolol in overdose. Read full story Source: HSIB, 6 February 2020
  24. Content Article
    This Healthcare and Safety Investigation Branch (HSIB) report explores the under recognised toxicity of propranolol in overdose. Propranolol is used to treat a number of medical conditions, including migraine, cardiovascular problems and the physical effects of anxiety. The case that prompted the investigation was Emma, a 24-year old woman, took an overdose of both propranolol and citalopram (an antidepressant). She called an ambulance, but her condition quickly worsened. Despite resuscitation efforts from both paramedics and medical staff in the hospital she was transferred to, Emma sadly died. There has been a steady rise in the number of propranolol prescriptions issued to NHS patients. Between 2012 and 2017 there was a 33% increase in the number of deaths reported as being linked to propranolol overdose, with 52 deaths recorded as having been linked to propranolol overdose in 2017.
  25. News Article
    The former police chief who investigated mental health services in a crisis-hit health board was “shocked” by the poor working relationships and “blame shifting” he uncovered. David Strang, who led the independent inquiry into the issues in NHS Tayside, said staff felt isolated and unsupported and people complained about each other’s practices without coming together to sort the issues out. He described asking staff questions based on information he had received and being met with the response: “Who told you?” He added: “A lot of staff felt there was a real blame culture and that risk and blame fell to the front line.” Read full story (paywalled) Source: 6 February 2020, The Times
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