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  1. News Article
    The new executive must act urgently if it is to "divert the current mental health epidemic among young people", Northern Ireland's children's commissioner has said. Koulla Yiasouma said progress in implementing recommendations in a report on children and young people's mental health services, produced 12 months ago, had been "too slow". The stark read captured the scale of youth mental health problems in Northern Ireland. The report found that young people are waiting too long to ask for help and even longer to access the right support. Health Minister Robin Swann said his aim was that young people do not wait longer than nine weeks to see a CAMHS (child and adolescent mental health services) professional."I take the mental health and wellbeing of our children and young people very seriously and I am committed to working with my colleagues in a new executive working group on mental well-being, resilience and suicide prevention," he said. Read full story Source: 6 February 2020
  2. News Article
    A whistleblower raised the alarm over patient safety at West Suffolk Hospital because of concerns about the behaviour of a doctor who had been seen injecting himself with drugs, the Guardian has revealed. The incident had already prompted internal complaints from senior staff at West Suffolk hospital, but the whistleblower decided to take matters a step further when the same doctor was later involved in a potentially botched operation. The whistleblower then wrote to relatives of a dead patient and urged them to ask questions about the conduct of the doctor and his background. When they did this, the hospital launched a widely criticised “witch-hunt” in an attempt to find out the identity of the leaker. The doctor’s drug use, which the trust has never acknowledged until now, helps explain why it demanded fingerprint and handwriting samples from staff – tactics which the NHS regulator roundly condemned in a hard-hitting report last week. Read full story Source: Guardian, 5 February 2020
  3. News Article
    All NHS hospitals in England have been ordered to create secure areas for coronavirus testing to “avoid a surge in emergency departments”, according to a leaked NHS letter. Hospitals have been told to create “coronavirus priority assessment pods”, where people will be checked for the virus, which will need to be decontaminated each time they are used. The letter, seen by The Independent and dated 31 January, instructs all chief executives and medical directors to have the pods up and running no later than Friday 7 February. It comes as the global death toll from the virus has reached 565 with around 28,000 infected. One hospital chief executive told The Independent he believed the requirement was “an overreaction”, adding: “I think we should be sending teams out to swab in patients homes as the advice is to stay at home and self-manage as with any other flu". In the letter, Professor Keith Willett, who is leading the NHS’s response to coronavirus, told NHS bosses: “Plans have been developed to avoid a surge in emergency departments due to coronavirus. “Although the risk level in this country remains moderate, and so far there have been only two confirmed cases, the NHS is putting in place appropriate measures to ensure business as usual services remain unaffected by any further cases or tests of coronavirus.” Read full story Source: 5 February 2020
  4. News Article
    Heart attack, stroke and burns victims are among the seriously ill and injured patients waiting over an hour for an ambulance to arrive in England and Wales, a BBC investigation shows. The delays for these 999 calls - meant to be reached in 18 minutes on average - put lives at risk, experts say. The problems affect one in 16 "emergency" cases in England - with significant delays reported in Wales. NHS bosses blamed rising demand and delays handing over patients at A&E. Rachel Power, Chief Executive of the Patients Association, said patients were being "let down badly at their moment of greatest need" and getting a quick response could be "a matter of life or death". She said the delays were "undoubtedly" related to the sustained underfunding of the NHS. Read full story Source: BBC News, 29 January 2020
  5. Content Article
    Jones et al. hypothesised that antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) could be enhanced through positive feedback for the behaviors of healthcare professionals. This project aimed to reduce antimicrobial consumption in a Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) by >5%, with secondary aims to reduce broad-spectrum antimicrobial consumption, and processes related to AMS.
  6. Content Article
    The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) have over 800 examples of shared learning, showing how NICE guidance and standards have been put into practice by a range of health, local government and social care organisations.
  7. News Article
    Health products powered by artificial intelligence, or AI, are streaming into our lives, from virtual doctor apps to wearable sensors and drugstore chatbots. IBM boasted that its AI could “outthink cancer.” Others say computer systems that read X-rays will make radiologists obsolete. Yet many health industry experts fear AI-based products won’t be able to match the hype. Many doctors and consumer advocates fear that the tech industry, which lives by the mantra “fail fast and fix it later,” is putting patients at risk and that regulators aren’t doing enough to keep consumers safe. Early experiments in AI provide reason for caution, said Mildred Cho, a professor of pediatrics at Stanford’s Center for Biomedical Ethics. Systems developed in one hospital often flop when deployed in a different facility, Cho said. Software used in the care of millions of Americans has been shown to discriminate against minorities. And AI systems sometimes learn to make predictions based on factors that have less to do with disease than the brand of MRI machine used, the time a blood test is taken or whether a patient was visited by a chaplain. In one case, AI software incorrectly concluded that people with pneumonia were less likely to die if they had asthma an error that could have led doctors to deprive asthma patients of the extra care they need. “It’s only a matter of time before something like this leads to a serious health problem,” said Steven Nissen, chairman of cardiology at the Cleveland Clinic. Read full story Source: Scientific American, 24 December 2019
  8. News Article
    China has introduced a new law with the aim of preventing violence against medical workers. The announcement comes days after a female doctor was stabbed to death at a Beijing hospital. The law bans any organisation or individual from threatening or harming the personal safety or dignity of medical workers, according to state media. It will take effect on 1 June next year. Under the new law, those "disturbing the medical environment, or harming medical workers' safety and dignity" will be given administrative punishments such as detention or a fine. It will also punish people found illegally obtaining, using or disclosing people's private healthcare information. Read full story Source: BBC News, 29 December 2019
  9. News Article
    As part of the HTN Health Tech Trends Series, Health Tech Newspaper has researched a variety of health tech projects making a difference across health and care. Read full story Source: Health Tech Newspaper, 5 December
  10. Content Article
    Patient safety incidents are any unintended or unexpected incident which could have, or did, lead to harm for one or more patients receiving healthcare. Reporting them supports the NHS to learn from mistakes and to take action to keep patients safe. Both healthcare staff and the general public are encouraged to report any incidents, whether they result in harm or not, to the National Reporting and Learning System (NRLS). You can find out how to do this from the link below.
  11. Content Article
    Steve Highley looks at responding positively to error using a personal experience involving his car and highlights how to find and deal with error traps.
  12. News Article
    Machine learning algorithms can accurately assess the capabilities of neurosurgeons during virtual surgery before they step into an actual operating room, a new study shows. Researchers recruited 50 participants from four stages of neurosurgical training: neurosurgeons, fellows and senior residents, junior residents and medical students. The participants performed 250 complex tumour resections using NeuroVR, a virtual reality surgical simulator. Using the raw data, the machine learning algorithm developed performance measures that could predict the level of expertise of each participant with 90% accuracy. The top performing algorithm could classify participants using just six performance measures. As reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association, the findings show that the fusion of artificial intelligence (AI) and virtual reality neurosurgical simulators can accurately and efficiently assess the performance of surgeon trainees. This means that scientists can develop AI-assisted mentoring systems that focus on improving patient safety by guiding trainees through complex surgical procedures. These systems can determine areas that need improvement and how the trainee can develop these important skills before they operate on real patients. “Our study proves that we can design systems that deliver on-demand surgical assessments at the convenience of the learner and with less input from instructors. It may also lead to better patient safety by reducing the chance for human error both while assessing surgeons and in the operating room,” said leading author, Rolando Del Maestro of McGill University. Read full story Source: FUTURITY, 5 August 2019
  13. Content Article
    The successful implementation of clinical practice guidelines should improve quality of care by decreasing inappropriate variation and expediting the application of effective advances to practice. However, despite wide promulgation, practice guidelines have had limited effect on changing physician behavior. Cabana et al. conducted a systematic review of the barriers to physician adherence to clinical practice guidelines, practice parameters, clinical policies or national consensus statements. They found that physician adherence is dependent on physician awareness (31 examples), agreement (68 examples), self-efficacy (13 examples), outcome expectancy (12 examples), motivation (3 examples), and the absence of external barriers to perform guideline recommendations (62 examples). The findings suggest that studies describing interventions to improve physician adherence may not be generalisable, since barriers in one setting may not be present in another. Using this analysis, the authors propose a framework which describes the barriers that must be overcome to improve physician adherence. This framework can be used (1) as a method to profile barriers or sources of poor adherence and thus (2) as a diagnostic tool to standardise and select appropriate interventions to improve adherence. The selection of interventions to change physician behaviour has been haphazard in the past. This analysis offers a more rational approach towards improving physician adherence to practice guidelines as well as a framework for further research.
  14. News Article
    The Patient Safety Learning award winners have been announced today at our annual conference. You can see the winning entries and read more about their projects here.
  15. News Article

    National Medical Examiner update

    Latest National Medical Examiner update on national and regional infrastructure, funding the medical examiner system, medical examiners and referrals to coroners, working with registrars, and face to face training. Read update
  16. Content Article
    There have been major healthcare failings in the UK NHS over many years. The persistent dysfunctional organisational culture, an inability to learn and the need for change has been identified within literature. The concept of organisational silence forms one aspect of the proposed model of organisational dysfunction in the NHS. Forty-three interviews and six focus groups have been conducted to test the model. From generalised evidence, it is suggested that the NHS is systemically and institutionally deaf, bullying, defensive and dishonest. There appears to be a culture of fear, lack of voice and silence. The cost of suppression of voice, reluctance to voice and the resulting ‘sea of silence’ is immense. There is a resistance to ‘knowing’ and the NHS appears to be hiding and retreating from reality. There is an urgent need for action to be taken to address this dysfunctional culture. The NHS needs to embrace the identity of being a listening, learning and honest organisation, with a culture of respect. It needs to choose to hear, see and speak for the benefit of patients and staff. There are implications for the wider UK society due to the apparent inability to learn and improve.
  17. Content Article
    This education and training guide is a resource for every Guardian’s self-development, whatever their experience in the role. Commissioned by the National Guardian’s Office and Health Education England in August 2017, the Guide was compiled by Louisa Hardman from the NHS Leadership Academy with invaluable contributions and guidance from an Advisory Group comprising Freedom to Speak Up Guardians and members of the National Guardian’s Office.
  18. Content Article
    Evidence highlights the intrinsic link between nurse staffing and expertise, and outcomes for service users of healthcare, and that workforce retention is linked to the clinical and organisational experiences of employees. However, this understanding is less well established in mental health. This study from Cook et al. comprises a retrospective observational study carried out on routinely collected data from a large mental healthcare provider. Two databases comprising nurse staffing levels and adverse events were modelled using latent variable methods to account for the presence of multiple underlying behaviours. The analysis reveals a strong dependence of the rate of adverse events on the location and perceived clinical demand of the wards, and a reduction in adverse events where registered nurses exceed ‘clinically required levels’. In the first study of its kind, these findings present significant implications for nursing workforce policy and present an opportunity to not only improve safety but potentially impact nurse retention.
  19. News Article
    Ambulance crews have been warned not to rely on satellite navigation systems after a spate of incidents where they were directed onto slower routes causing delays in reaching patients. Read full story (paywalled) Source: HSJ, 28 August 2019
  20. Event
    Behaviour change can be difficult to achieve. This workshop from the Improvement Academy we will help you to achieve behaviour change by applying tried and tested theories from psychology. This unique one-day workshop developed by the Yorkshire Quality and Safety Research Group provides an opportunity to learn from leading researchers in behaviour change. Interactive learning and discussion will lead to improved understanding and enhanced practice in improving patient safety through behaviour change. Further details and registration
  21. News Article
    Health leaders have written to Boris Johnson issuing new warnings on the impact of a no-deal Brexit. In a letter to the Prime Minister, the heads of 17 royal colleges and health charities across the UK say clinicians are "unable to reassure patients" their health and care will not be affected. They go on to say they have "significant concerns about shortages of medical supplies". Government said it was working with the health sector on "robust preparations". The letter, co-ordinated by the Royal College of Physicians, is signed by the heads of organisations including the British Dental Association, the Royal Pharmaceutical Society, Kidney Care UK and the Royal College of Emergency Medicine. It calls for the Health and Social Care Secretary Matt Hancock to be put on the EU exit strategy committee chaired by Michael Gove, who is in charge of no-deal planning. The signatories argue that - given the scale of the NHS - without sufficient planning, even the smallest of problems could have "huge consequences on the lives of millions of people". Read full story Source: BBC News, 21 August 2019
  22. News Article
    Two million pensioners are taking at least seven types of prescription drugs - putting them at risk of potentially lethal side-effects, a major report warns. Age UK said the rise of “polypharmacy” was putting lives at risk, with three quarters likely to suffer adverse reactions to at least one of their drugs. The research found that the number of emergency hospital admissions linked to such side-effects has risen by 53 per cent in seven years, with some cases proving fatal. Experts said GPs were doling out too many drugs because they were too busy to properly consider complex health problems, and the risk of side-effects, and interactions between different drugs. Caroline Abrahams, Charity Director at Age UK, said: "We are incredibly fortunate to live at a time when there are so many effective drugs available to treat older people’s health conditions, but it’s a big potential problem if singly or in combination these drugs produce side effects that ultimately do an older person more harm than good.” Read full story Source: The Telegraph, 22 August 2019
  23. News Article
    After two decades of keeping the public in the dark about millions of medical device malfunctions and injuries, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has published the once hidden database online, revealing 5.7 million incidents publicly for the first time. The newfound transparency follows a Kaiser Health News investigation that revealed device manufacturers, for the past two decades, had been sending reports of injuries or malfunctions to the little-known database, bypassing the public FDA database that’s pored over by doctors, researchers and patients. Millions of reports, related to everything from breast implants to surgical staplers, were sent to the agency as “alternative summary” reports instead. Read full story Source: Kaiser Health News, June 27 2019
  24. News Article
    Registrars at an Australian hospital have launched legal action against its management amid claims that they are being worked beyond exhaustion while being denied their mandatory clinical training. The alleged plight of the doctors at Melbourne’s Sunshine Hospital has become the latest instalment in a growing list of complaints among doctors in training over excessive workload pressures, exploitation, harassment, and bullying across the country’s public hospital system. Read full story Source: BMJ, 12 August 2019
  25. News Article
    NHS England has declared a national emergency over shortage of feed for babies and disabled patients, with some patients being told to go to Accident & Emergency (A&E) departments. Hundreds of NHS patients, including children, who depend on intravenous (IV) nutrition, have been experiencing delays in deliveries. It follows an inspection by watchdogs which found manufacturers were failing to meet safety standards, and the presence of potentially fatal bacteria. The NHS National Patient Safety Director, Aiden Fowler, has written to all NHS hospital trusts, and affected patients, warning that the incident has been designated as an emergency incident, under the Civil Contingencies Act, at the highest level. British manufacturer Calea had already said the shortages could last up to four weeks. But the letter warns that the crisis could last far longer, outlining plans to ration the product to those most in need. Parents said the situation was “terrifying” with some told to go to A&E if vulnerable children were left too long without being fed. Hospitals have now been asked to review all patients receiving such IV feed to ensure only those deemed at high-risk are allocated the supplies, which are tailored to meet specific individual needs. Others will be allocated standard bags of nutrition, with extra supplements. In the letters from Dr Fowler, disclosed by the Health Service Journal, he warns that the NHS is facing a “difficult balance” between the risks caused by the shortages, and the dangers of allowing production to continue, without safety improvements. Read full story Source: The Telegraph, 13 August 2019
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