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Everything posted by Patient_Safety_Learning

  1. Content Article
    Jane Plumb is the Co-Founder of Group B Strep Support and the Women's Voices Lead for the Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists. In this interview, she emphasises the importance of actively involving patients and families in patient safety discussions so that improvements can be informed by their insights and experiences. Jane also talks about her campaigning and advocacy work, reflecting on the challenges and achievements to date as well as looking ahead to future aims and activity. 
  2. Content Article
    This blog (attached below) explores how far the nature of our relationships at work have an impact on patient safety. Lesley Parkinson – the executive director of Restorative Thinking, a social enterprise working to introduce and embed restorative and relational practice in the NHS and across public sector organisations – explores how six restorative practice habits add value in multiple teams and scenarios. You can also order Lesley's book Restorative Practice at Work Six habits for improving relationships in healthcare settings.
  3. Content Article
    A series of videos on managing deterioration, including: Introduction to sepsis and serious illness Preventing the spread of infection Soft signs of deterioration NEWS What is it Measuring the respiratory rate Measuring oxygen saturation Measuring blood pressure Measuring the heart rate Measuring the level of alertness How to measure temperature Calculating and recording a NEWS score Structured communications and escalation Treatment escalation plans and resuscitation Recognising deterioration in people with a learning disabilities How to use your pulse oximeter and Covid-19 diary.
  4. Content Article
    The author of this blog published by Sling the Mesh, writes that ever year new healthcare treatments are launched underpinned by flawed, mischievous, flimsy and fraudulent scientific evidence – also known as cheating. They look at different types of cheating and argue that cheating helped push surgical mesh implants as ‘gold standard’.
  5. Content Article
    Offering a concise yet comprehensive review of current practices in surgery and patient safety, Handbook of Perioperative and Procedural Patient Safety is a practical resource for practicing surgeons, anaesthesiologists, surgical nurses, hospital administrators, and surgical office staff. Edited by Drs. Juan A. Sanchez and Robert S. D. Higgins and authored by expert contributors from Johns Hopkins, it provides an expansive look at the scope of the problem, causes of error, minimising errors, surgical suite and surgical team design, patient experience, and other related topics.
  6. Content Article
    This service model brings together the good practice taking place in local areas, and that  which has previously been described for this group of people. It recognises that improvements  are typically underpinned by visionary leadership, a focus on human rights based approaches,  workforce development, co-production and a preparedness to reflect and learn. It aims to support  commissioners across health and social care to work together to commission the range of services  and support required to meet the needs of this diverse group.
  7. Content Article
    This guide, published by Patient, outlines some of the key elements of mental capacity and mental health legislation including: General principles of consent Emergency treatment Best interests Adults who are not competent to give consent Advance care planning Mental Health Act relevant to consent Section 57: Treatment requiring consent and a second opinion.
  8. Content Article
    The AHRQ Safety Program for Improving Surgical Care and Recovery (ISCR) Toolkit helps hospitals improve patients' surgical experience by adopting enhanced recovery practices. Enhanced recovery practices are evidence-based processes that are supported by multidisciplinary teams and span the continuum of perioperative care. Hospitals can use the toolkit to apply the evidence for enhanced recovery within the proven principles and methods of AHRQ's Comprehensive Unit-based Safety Program (CUSP) to prevent complications such as surgical site infections, venous thromboembolism, and urinary tract infection, and improve perioperative safety culture.
  9. Content Article
    This factsheet from the General Medical Council sets out some of the key legislation and case law relating to medical decision making and consent in the UK. It is not intended to be a comprehensive list, nor is it a substitute for independent, up-to-date legal advice.
  10. Content Article
    I this article for the Institute for Health Improvement, Rachel Hock highlights some of the safety concerns and issues that can arise through discriminatory attitudes and stigma associated with weight. 
  11. Content Article
    Authors of this article argue that: "...navigating the pandemic asked a lot of employees - and while they delivered, it came at a cost. Relentless sprinting means many employees are running on fumes. To create more sustainable change efforts, leaders must prioritise change initiatives, showing employees where to invest their energies. They also must manage change fatigue by building in periods of proactive rest, involving employees in change plans, and challenging managers to help build team resilience."
  12. Content Article
    This framework sets out what good digital working looks like for care providers and local authorities with responsibility for adult social care in England.
  13. Content Article
    This webpage outlines how the Care Quality Commission regulates providers supporting autistic people and people with a learning disability to enable the right support, right care and right culture.
  14. Content Article
    The prevalence and impact of musculoskeletal conditions are not experienced equally across the population. Musculoskeletal conditions are linked to deprivation, age, are more prevalent in women, and disproportionately affect some minority ethnic groups.Deprivation is a significant driver of inequalities in MSK health. People in deprived areas experience more chronic pain, are more likely to have a long term MSK condition and experience worse clinical outcomes and quality of life.Between February and December 2023 the Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Alliance (ARMA) will deliver the first ever national inquiry into MSK health inequalities to explore and highlight the issues and make recommendations for improvement. The aims of the inquirySet out the evidence for inequalities in MSK health related to deprivation and explore the possible underlying reasons.Propose actions which can be taken to address these, both in design and delivery of MSK services, and actions to address wider determinants of health and prevention.Raise the profile of the issues and possible solutions.
  15. Content Article
    Occupational health can benefit employers, staff, and healthcare and tackle workforce shortages—but only with better access and awareness, write Lara Shemtob and colleagues for this BMJ Opinion piece.
  16. Content Article
    In this article, Roger Kline looks at the responsibility of Board members in speaking up and responding to concerns raised about patient and staff safety concerns.
  17. Content Article
    Founded by psychotherapist Rebecca Howard, ShinyMind's story has been a journey of creating an evidence-based mental health and wellbeing resource that people can trust to help them think well, feel well and be well.Rebecca believes everyone has the right to good mental health and access to support whenever they need it – and so ShinyMind’s journey began, to empower people, eradicate stigma and help as many people as we can shine their brightest.
  18. Content Article
    This story is part one of a series by AP News, examining the health disparities experienced by Black Americans across a lifetime.
  19. Content Article
    Epistemic injustice sits at the intersection of ethics, epistemology, and social justice. Generally, this philosophical term describes when a person is wrongfully discredited as a knower; and within the clinical space, epistemic injustice is the underlying reason that some patient testimonies are valued above others. The following essay, published in Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine, seeks to connect patterns of social prejudice to the clinical realm in the United States: illustrating how factors such as race, gender identity, and socioeconomic status influence epistemic credence and associatively, the quality of healthcare a person receives.
  20. Content Article
    Disclosure UK is part of a Europe-wide initiative to increase transparency between pharmaceutical companies and the doctors, nurses, pharmacists and other health professionals and organisations it works with. They want to ensure that patients and others have confidence that this relationship is open and transparent and this is why the pharmaceutical industry is taking the lead on disclosing details of payments and other benefits in kind made by industry to healthcare professionals and healthcare organisations. This information will be published on the database - Disclosure UK. 
  21. Content Article
    Medication nonadherence - when patients don’t take their medications as prescribed - is unfortunately fairly common, with research showing that patients don’t take their medications as prescribed about half the time. The phenomenon has added consequences for patients with chronic disease. When this is the case, it is important for physicians and other health professionals to understand why patients don’t take their medications. This will help teams identify and improve patients’ adherence to their medications. This article by AMA, highlights eight reasons why patients don't take their medications.
  22. Content Article
    Access outline their virtual ward offer and 10 case studies from NHS trusts and other organisations from which they present findings as testimony, to show the impact of virtual wards on the NHS’ ability to provide care.
  23. Content Article
    Structured into four major sections this white paper, from the Chartered Institute of Ergonomics & Human Factors, helps you learn background information and context for the role of people in barrier systems. It sets out concerns about the way human and organisational factors are currently treated in some approaches to barrier management and in Bowtie Analysis in particular.
  24. Content Article
    In this opinion piece for the BMJ, Miles Sibley argues that hierarchy of evidence-based medicine is out of date and gives little weight to the role of the patient voice in preventing harm.
  25. Content Article
    In the UK, up to two-thirds of GBS infection in babies are of early onset (showing within the first 6 days of life). Read more about the symptoms and download an awareness poster via the link below to the Group B Strep Support website.
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