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Everything posted by Patient_Safety_Learning

  1. Content Article
    This podcast, published by Coda, covers a wide array of topics, from PPE to simulation. Martin Bromiley (Human Factors expert), talks about the ways human factors affect teams and safety and share communications tactics to help alleviate potential issues. 
  2. Community Post
    A Facebook follower, commented the following re emergency dental services and local responses...
  3. Community Post
    My mum has been losing weight for almost six months (unexplained). She is undergoing tests to see if she has a rare adrenal tumour. Due partly to how long the analysis takes for these tests, they have taken a long time. Her consultant appointment is due end of April - now to be done over the telephone. If they do discover it is the adrenal tumour, she would need further investigation to identify whether or not it is cancerous (usually not cancerous) and potentially an operation to remove it so she can recover (fairly good outcome stats). My concern is that if this appointment gets cancelled, she cannot afford to continue to lose more weight, she will literally waste away (she is only 7 stone something at the moment). Will she just be left to deteriorate?
  4. Content Article Comment
    Amazing blog...is everyone really being expected to bring their uniforms back to their family homes to wash? As a patient, I am so angry that our NHS heroes are feeling frightened unprotected and that they are failing in multiple areas of life, when they are actually holding everything together for the country.
  5. Content Article
    Ahead of the Health and Social Care Select Committee’s next oral evidence session, Patient Safety Learning have raised several urgent safety issues with the Chair, Jeremy Hunt MP. Below is a blog summarising our submission to the Committee.
  6. Community Post
    Hi, these may be of interest/help... Mental health and well-being during coronavirus crisis (15 March 2020) WHO: Coping with stress during the 2019-nCoV outbreak
  7. Community Post
    This blog may be of interest to this thread too - Coronavirus means difficult, life-changing decisions for me and my cancer patients
  8. Community Post
    Not sure if this is the same one Helen, but there's a documentary with Stacey Dooley out tomorrow - she spends some time in a '136 unit' (designated place of safety). https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p082bxzn
  9. Content Article
    Linda Millband is the national practice lead for medical negligence at Thompsons Solicitors. She led the team responsible for fighting, and winning, a legal battle on behalf of 650 ex-patients of disgraced breast surgeon Ian Paterson. Ahead of the publication of the Independent Inquiry into Ian Paterson, Linda reflects on how it should be used as a catalyst for positive change in private hospitals.
  10. Content Article
    A blog by Patient Safety Learning's Stephanie O'Donohue on how language can help or hinder patient safety and what clinicians can do to work towards a 'safer' use of words.
  11. Content Article Comment
    Really interesting video, particularly when she speaks about how she felt that she was sometimes viewed as a 'difficult patient' while trying to contribute to her own safe care.
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