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Kathy Nabbie



27 Fair

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  • Country
    United Kingdom

About me

  • About me
    Passionate about patient safety
  • Organisation
    Private hospital
  • Role
    Theatre scrub nurse practitioner

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  1. Content Article Comment
    Awesome poster👌 Looking back to 2012 when there was a never event of a retained swab in a breast wound, I am now seeing this poster for the first time and realize that I dealt with it using some if not all of the framework as follows- - Decided on a different way of counting swabs - A new system to make the change - Researched my idea on Internet and AFPP journals - Made a plan and discussed it with my manager for approval - Brought in company reps to teach staff new system - Gained the support and cooperation of staff to use new system - Later, involved staff to do audits on new change - Change benefited both patients and staff safety. Swab safe management to prevent retained swabs - Improving systems of care - Patient Safety Learning - the hub.PDF
  2. Content Article
    On 17 November, there will be a Parliamentary launch event of the Surgical Fires Expert Working Group’s report 'A case for the prevention and management of surgical fires in the UK, which focuses on the prevention of surgical fires in the NHS'. Unfortunately surgical fires are still a patient safety issue. Each year patients needlessly suffer burns during surgical procedures which leave them with long-lasting, life-changing injuries and burdens the NHS with millions of pounds of avoidable costs and liabilities. Despite this, there is not a consistent, standardised approach across the NHS to prevent them. Kathy Nabbie, a theatre scrub nurse practitioner, shares how she implemented Fire Risk Assessment Score (FRAS) into her department.
  3. Content Article Comment
    Congratulations to patient safety learning hub. 👏👏I joined the hub one year ago- With encouragement from Helen, Claire and the patient safety team, I started writing blogs on patient and staff safety issues. If like me, you have a passion for patient and staff safety, its a great idea to join the hub, as it helps you grow,develop and also gain confidence to write and share your knowledge to benefit your team.xx
  4. Content Article Comment
    I must admit it was truly heartbreaking to see carers donning a disposable mask, flimsy apron and disposable gloves before going into rooms in care homes with positive Covid 19 patients. I sincerely hope that they soon get tests,respirators and adequate PPE just like my NHS colleagues. Care homes and care staff have always been neglected in the past, and this pandemic is certainly opening our eyes to a lot of failings in this area. Let's hope when this is all over, we will see drastic changes and overall improvement in the care of patients and staff in care homes.
  5. Content Article Comment
    Another blog by Claire where she bares her deepest feelings about life at home and at the frontline of this pandemic.Truly heartbreaking! Compared to my last private hospital, where the scrubs were colour coded for intensive care,radiology, endoscopy and theatres- more than enough to go around and a further supply if necessary as well as availability of disposable scrubs if required for droplet infections. In some hospitals, we cannot wear a reusable cap, because we are not allowed to launder it at home! Why then, are NHS nurses allowed to risk their family safety and take their uniforms home to launder in a pandemic. Just like we have disposable PPE for a pandemic, we can ask the government to provide disposable scrub suits to the hospital staff and tonight I will do a petition to make this a reality. We are always fighting and speaking up for patient safety, so too we must fight and speak up for the health and safety of all healthcare staff in the NHS.
  6. Community Post
    I too am especially concerned about the lack of PPE for the healthcare staff. I am also heartbroken to learn that some staff never had Fit tests for FfP3 even though we had training for Ebola which was not airborne. The training should have continued yearly and on induction for new staff as we always have a new virus. Quite a number of staff still have no idea what a Fit test involves as some hospitals are either not doing them or doing a shortened version. I am really distressed thinking of healthcare staff who are looking after coronavirus positive patients with inadequate PPE! Many of the patients will die and many healthcare staff will never know if they have the virus unless they get tested. Hopefully when this is over, government and healthcare leaders will have learnt from errors made and in future start early to utilise and involve people who can help to expedite solutions. With every negative there are always positives. I believe this virus not only brought the world together, it taught the world to wash their hands, the meaning of PPE, fit tests, FFP3 and N95 respirator masks and the value of the roles of everyone in society.
  7. Content Article
    A tutor once told me that research means 'to search again'. I am always searching or, as someone told me recently, 'sleuthing' for knowledge to improve myself and then share with my colleagues. I would like to share with you my knowledge of hydrogen peroxide.
  8. Community Post
    Yes Claire- Lysol contains Hydrogen Peroxide. In my previous comments, you will note that it was used to flush the vagina of women before the gynaecologist delivered the baby. In 2014, the MHRA issued a safety warning about the usage of Hydrogen Peroxide. Since the hazards are many, and also another of my passions, I think it needs a blog which I will be writing soon.
  9. Community Post
    Still sold in the US, I understand Claire, and in UK as Chlorophenol. My concern here is, it was advertised and marketed with 'shocking and hilarious' ads, as being the gold star for feminine hygiene in 1920. However it was so potent, it was used to end an outbreak of cholera in Germany in 1889, the Spanish Flu in 1918 and also as an effective agent for the influenza virus. Also, it was used to wash the bedding and decontaminate the sick rooms and hospital walls! Marketing and advertising of products did not think of women then, and one hundred(100) years later, we are still being used as guinea pigs. With all the flashy medical devices aimed at saving time, sedation, space and money, our frail insides have been Meshed, Flushed and Morcellized to pieces. We need all the help and support from all available sources to fight this problem. -See attached screenshot image of how women were portrayed in 1920
  10. Community Post
    Thank you Claire. - Recently I have been researching this subject and some tales are gruesome. Over the years women have been prodded and poked. As far back as 1920,a product called Lysol- (a disinfectant) was marketed as a feminine hygienic product which preserved youth and marital bliss, used as a birth control agent via post coital douching and also used for abortions . Gynaecologists flushed the vagina with Lysol solution to prevent infections before delivering the baby . This practice was later abandoned, as it was thought its usage masked more serious problems- perhaps sepsis or even renal failure! One hundred years onwards, and women are still experiencing painful procedures and usage of harmful marketing products. When will it end? Why are we considered unequal and always used as trials? This is now 2020!-Is it not time to STOP?
  11. Content Article
    Kathy Nabbie reflects on the recent flights caught up in Storm Dennis and how 'routine' quickly became 'out of the ordinary'. As with aviation, in surgery we must always do the safety checks for each patient to ensure that every journey for the patient is a safe one.
  12. Community Post
    It's great the hospitals are highlighted in the link- In one story the patient did not know the people in the room- This is poor practice! Everyone in the room should be introduced to the patient- This is part of protocol and if not followed, is also disrespectful.
  13. Content Article Comment
    I agree with all the reporter said in this article. It took me a while to make a comment. Why? I was too busy crying, because it resonates with many other practitioners in so many hospital departments . This is exactly what happens- We are expected to work Harder, work Faster, work Longer and still do it Safely. Are we really "making a list and checking it not just twice but thrice?" We are supposed to in theatres- However there are times the patient is sent for too early- the surgeons are on a tight schedule, another surgeon may be following him- In most hospitals, sending early removes the anaesthetic practitioner from the theatre to the anaesthetic room- Who then assists the anaesthetist with the patient on the table?- Think about it! If the practitioner returns to help, who then stays with the patient in the anaesthetic room? Think about it! Please people- We can only do- ONE PATIENT AT A TIME! And to be extra safe, please can we avoid saying - "Send for the next patient"- The Patient has a Name- Use it! IT CAN AVOID ERRORS!
  14. Content Article Comment
    Hello Helen. Thank you. I sent you and Claire an email with links covering what I have done so far with the assistance of AFPP, and also what my plans are to increase more awareness of the hazards of diathermy tissue plume in ALL hospital theatres. I agree this project needs further help from social media to attract a wider audience . Kind regards Kathy
  15. Community Post
    Hello Helen, I encourage reporting all near misses.It immediately confirms no harm to the patient, no safeguarding issue, no duty of Candour- It is just a time of praise and congratulations and a celebration for the team who reported it! Theatre staff really need this incentive to move forward- Maybe by tapping near miss, the statistics can immediately enter into another system maybe a green light one to highlight and keep track of data and the number of near misses reported - I am sure there's smart IT technology that can do this-
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