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Found 114 results
  1. News Article
    NHS England’s director of community health has said a new strategy for rehabilitation care is needed, because present coverage is sometimes ‘bizarre’, with other services ‘masquerading’ as rehab. Matthew Winn, who is also Cambridgeshire Community Services Trust CEO and senior responsible officer of the “ageing well” programme in the NHS long-term plan, made the comments in a webinar for local senior clinicians and managers in the sector. He said there was an intention to roll out a national “intermediate care strategy”, describing it as “the essence” of providing rehabilitation and helping hospital patients to “optimise, to recover, to rehab through a skilled multiprofessional team”. They would leave hospital in a “timely pathway” and not need as much social care support afterwards. It comes amid huge pressure to speed up hospital discharge, which often relies on rehab services. Read full story (paywalled) Source: HSJ, 14 July 2022
  2. News Article
    A spike in Covid absences and the extended heatwave have left NHS hospitals and ambulance services struggling to cope. The hot weather is also driving more patients to A&E departments, and callers are being urged not to use 999 except in serious emergencies. All 10 ambulance trusts in England are on black alert, the highest level, while health leaders warn that “ill-equipped” hospital buildings are struggling to store medicines correctly amid the abnormally high temperatures. Martin Flaherty, managing director of the Association of Ambulance Chief Executives, said: “The NHS ambulance sector is under intense pressure, with all ambulance services operating at the highest level of four within their local resource escalation action plans, normally only ever reserved for major incidents or short-term periods of unusual demand. “Severe delays in ambulance crews being able to hand over their patients at many hospital emergency departments are having a very significant impact on the ambulance sector’s ability to respond to patients as quickly as we would like to, because our crews and vehicles are stuck outside those hospitals.” Read full story Source: The Independent, 12 July 2022
  3. News Article
    An ambulance trust lost 1,700 hours of working time in one week in April due to vehicles waiting outside a hospital. The BBC has discovered that the figure was reached twice during April as ambulance crews waited outside Gloucestershire Royal Hospital in Gloucester to handover patients. That equates to about 70 days worth of waiting time each week. The trust that runs the hospital said it was facing "significant challenges" as it dealt with "unrelenting demand". Figures show that since the end of January, South Western Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust (SWASFT) has lost a minimum of 800 hours of working time each week due to ambulances having to wait outside Gloucestershire Royal Hospital, unable to get patients into A&E. The national target for transferring patients from ambulances in to A&E is 15 minutes, but in some cases people had to wait up to 10 hours in ambulance queues in Gloucester. Read full story Source: BBC News, 12 July 2022
  4. News Article
    Hospital leaders say they have been pressured to deliver more ‘corridor care’ as a result of efforts to ease the ambulance handover crisis. Due to the collapse in ambulance response times over the last year, hospitals have been told to receive patients from ambulance crews more quickly, to enable those crews to respond to new incidents in the community. This can mean patients being kept on trolley beds in corridors, with a lack of appropriate staff to care for them. Tracy Bullock, chief executive of University Hospitals of North Midlands, told HSJ her trust almost eradicated “corridor care” before the pandemic. But she added: “There have been discussions about going back to corridor care, but we have resisted that, as it brought significant patient safety and staff wellbeing issues… although these never received the same airtime as ambulance waits as they are unseen and only impact on the acutes. “The terminology has now changed and instead of corridor care it’s ‘cohorting’, and the space is not necessarily a corridor but a designated space for ambulances to drop more patients off.” She said this only works with enough staff, “otherwise you end up with the same safety issues that we had delivering corridor care pre-pandemic”. Read full story (paywalled) Source: HSJ, 11 July 2022
  5. News Article
    An acute trust has had to stand down a new service which led to a ‘marked improvement’ in ambulance handover times, due to a lack of permanent funding to support it. In recent months, York and Scarborough Teaching Hospitals Foundation Trust has deployed additional staff to receive and care for patients arriving by ambulance, meaning ambulance crews could be released more quickly. A report to the trust board last month said of the scheme: “Data shows a marked improvement in ambulance release times when deployed.” However, it would cost £1m per year to fully implement the service and the report said commissioners had confirmed there is “no external funding to support this cost”. There have been mounting concerns in recent months over the handover delays experienced by paramedics when taking patients to hospital, which have severely affected their response times for new incidents. In a statement, the trust said it was discussing with system partners how the service, which was introduced on a “short-term basis”, could be supported in future. It was delivered by independent ambulance and healthcare provider CIPHER Medical and used at peak times such as bank holiday weekends. Read full story (paywalled) Source: HSJ, 6 July 2022
  6. News Article
    A two-day old baby died just days after his mother begged doctors to assess her ahead of a c-section despite her pregnancy being deemed high risk. Davi Heer-Do Naschimento was born via emergency caesarean section during the early hours of 29 September 2021, after doctors at Royal London Hospital failed to communicate crucial details during handover meetings. An inquest at Poplar Coroners Court heard that his parents, Ruth Heer and Tiago Do Naschimento, had asked numerous times for assistance and were not seen by the obstetrics team the day before her planned caesarean. Tragically, after becoming "feverish" during the night, she was rushed into theatre with Devi sadly dying two days later. Speaking on behalf of the family, Francesca Kohler said that there had been “multiple occasions” throughout the day when Ms Heer and her partner had called for assistance and had raised concerns, but were not attended. She had also not been seen by the obstetrics team and had not been spoken to about the upcoming caesarean section. Read full story Source: My London, 4 July 2022
  7. News Article
    Student paramedics are missing out on learning how to save lives because they are wasting hours in ambulances outside A&E instead of attending calls, it has been revealed. The College of Paramedics and ambulance directors say the hold-ups mean trainees are missing vital on-the-job experience, leading to fears over the safety of patients. Will Boughton, of the College of Paramedics Trustee for Professional Standards, said handover delays had become a problem for trainees’ development and exposure to real-life experience, meaning training had become “unpredictable”. If steps weren’t taken to increase training opportunities and address wider quality concerns in education, “it is very possible that patient safety may be at risk due to missed experience during practice education”, he warned. “A student could complete a regular shift and see lots of patients, getting lots of things in their portfolio signed off, or they could be the unlucky ambulance that joins the back of a queue and is then at hospital X for however many hours waiting to release that patient, so and it varies from county to county and service to service,” he said. Read full story Source: The Independent, 22 June 2022
  8. News Article
    Record numbers of patients suffered severe harm last month because they spent so long in the back of ambulances waiting to get into A&E, new NHS figures reveal. An estimated 57,000 people in England “experienced potential harm”, of whom 6,000 were exposed to “severe harm”, in December – both the largest numbers on record – because they had to wait at least an hour to be handed over to hospital staff, according to NHS ambulance service bosses. The health union Unison, which represents many ambulance staff, said the data showed that the ambulance service “is barely coping” with the huge number of calls it is receiving. A senior ambulance service official said the high volume of patients being put at risk because they had to wait outside A&E so long before receiving medical attention, and paramedics being prevented from answering other 999 calls, was “horrific” and “astronomical”. He added: “These figures also show that whatever NHS England say they are doing to try to resolve this huge problem, it clearly isn’t working.” Martin Flaherty, Association of Ambulance Chief Executives (AACE) managing director, said: “Our December 2022 data for handover delays at hospital emergency departments shows some of the worst figures we have recorded to date and clearly underlines that not enough is being done to reduce and eradicate these dangerous, unsafe and harmful occurrences.” Read full story Source: The Guardian, 25 January 2023
  9. News Article
    Hours lost to ambulance handover delays, and the numbers of ambulances waiting more than an hour outside hospitals hit new highs in the week after Christmas. Data published this morning by NHS England revealed nearly 55,000 hours were lost to delays between 26 December and 1 January and 18,720 ambulances had to wait more than an hour to handover patients as emergency departments struggled, with many trusts declaring critical incidents. The number of hour-plus delays followed previous years’ trend of a slight dip in the week leading up to Christmas followed by an acceleration afterwards. However, levels this year were more than twice those seen in 2021 and three times those of the previous two years. Read full story (paywalled) Source: HSJ, 6 January 2023
  10. News Article
    Paramedics will only wait with patients for 45 minutes before leaving them on a trolley in A&E, one ambulance trust has said. One in five ambulances are waiting at least an hour outside accident and emergency departments to hand over patients, the latest data show, despite NHS standards stating it should only be 15 minutes. Now, London Ambulance Service (LAS) leaders have told hospitals their staff will only remain with patients for a maximum of 45 minutes for handover due to “the significant amount of time being lost” waiting in A&E departments. A leaked letter, seen by ITV News, from the LAS said: "From January 3 we are asking that any patients waiting for 45 minutes for handover... are handed over immediately to ED (emergency department) staff allowing the ambulance clinicians to leave and respond to the next patient waiting in the community. "If the patient is clinically stable the ambulance clinicians will ensure the patient is on a hospital trolley or wheelchair/chair and approach the nurse in charge of the emergency department to notify them that the patient is being left in the care of the hospital and handover the patient." The email added that if the patient was not clinically stable, ambulance crews would stay with the patient until handover is achieved but added that the clinical responsibility for the patient lied with the hospital. Read full story (paywalled) Source: The Telegraph, 3 January 2023
  11. News Article
    NHS England has shelved priorities on Long Covid and diversity and inclusion – as well as a wide range of other areas – in its latest slimmed down operational planning guidance, HSJ analysis shows. NHSE published its planning guidance for 2023-24, which sets the national “must do” asks of trust and integrated care systems, shortly before Christmas. HSJ has analysed objectives, targets and asks from the 2022-23 planning guidance which do not appear in the 2023-24 document. The measures on which trusts and systems will no longer be held accountable for include improving the service’s black, Asian and minority ethnic disparity ratio by “delivering the six high-impact actions to overhaul recruitment and promotion practices”. Another omission from the 2023-24 guidance compared to 2022-23 is a target to increase the number of patients referred to post-Covid services, who are then seen within six weeks of their referral. Several requirements on staff have been removed, including to ”continue to support the health and wellbeing of our staff, including through effective health and wellbeing conversations” and ”continued funding of mental health hubs to enable staff access to enhanced occupational health and wellbeing and psychological support”. Read full story (paywalled) Source: HSJ, 4 January 2022
  12. News Article
    Patients are spending an extra day in hospital on average when admitted as an emergency compared to before covid, consuming millions of additional ‘bed days’, HSJ analysis has found. The finding explains in part why fewer people are being treated in hospitals, but more resources are being consumed to do so. This has prompted concerns about an apparent big drop in productivity. NHS England chief finance officer Julian Kelly told HSJ the marked increase in length of stay meant hospitals needed to focus on “discharge and decongest” of emergency care, to help recover activity rates and productivity in elective care. The NHS also needs to create more elective capacity insulated from emergency care, he said, and for “local leadership [to] keep people focused”. Read full story (paywalled) Source: HSJ, 19 December 2022
  13. News Article
    All ambulance services have declared the highest level of alert due to ‘extreme pressures’ facing the urgent and emergency care system. One senior ambulance chief told HSJ that ambulance response times have dropped dramatically in the last few days, while A&E handover delays have surged. They said: “The wheels are falling off [the emergency care system] now, we’re in a really awful situation.” They said ambulance leaders have major concerns about the planned strike action by nurses on Thursday, fearing this will exacerbate discharge delays and have a knock-on effect on ambulance handover problems. It also comes ahead of strike action planned by ambulance staff for next week. HSJ has seen internal communications which confirm all ten ambulance trusts in England are now in level four of their “resource escalation action plan”, which means they can seek assistance from other nearby trusts or services. However, this is more difficult when an entire sector is under pressure, as is the case currently. Read full story (paywalled) Source: HSJ, 13 December 2022
  14. Content Article
    Inadequate hand-off communication from hospital to skilled nursing facility (SNF) hinders SNF nurses’ ability to prepare for specific patient needs, including prescriptions for critical medications, such as controlled medications and intravenous (IV) antibiotics, resulting in delayed medication administration. This project, published in Patient Safety, aims to improve hand-off communication from hospital to SNF by utilising a standardised hand-off tool. Authors conclude that the use of standardised hand-off resulted in improved communication during the hospital-to-SNF hand-off and significantly decreased the wait time for the availability of prescriptions for controlled medications and IV antibiotics. Integrating standardised hand-off into the SNF policies can help sustain improved communication, medication management, and patient transition from hospital to SNF.
  15. Content Article
    NHS England has published its planning guidance for 2023/2023. The 2023/24 priorities and operational planning guidance reconfirms the ongoing need to recover our core services and improve productivity, making progress in delivering the key NHS Long Term Plan ambitions and continuing to transform the NHS for the future.
  16. Content Article
    The University Hospital Southampton share their poster on using NEWS2 and SBAR.
  17. News Article
    A trust chief executive says the Care Quality Commission’s (CQC) inspection regime is still overly focussed on individual organisations, rather than systems, and this is driving the “risk aversion” which is partly responsible for the emergency care crisis. Mid Yorkshire Hospitals Trust CEO Len Richards acknowledged the CQC has started to scrutinise system-wide issues but suggested the “heat” of its regulation is still on individual providers. Mr Richards told the House of Lords’ public services committee on Wednesday that care homes and nursing homes in his area have declined to take patients ready to be discharged from hospital, due to concerns it would put their CQC accreditation at risk. He said: “[Last winter] we asked nursing homes and care homes to take patients and they couldn’t take them beyond a certain limit because it would put their accreditation at risk. “We went to the CQC to try and create some flexibility. Their perspective was very much of an independent regulatory body that would look at the organisation and not look at the system. I think we’ve got an awful long way to go there. “I think regulation does drive risk aversion… [and] the heat of regulation right at the moment is on individual organisations. “Therefore, when the CQC come and look at my organisation, they will talk about congestion in the A&E department. They won’t talk about the assessment that we made around there being a greater risk in the community if we didn’t offload ambulances.” Read full story (paywalled) Source: HSJ, 28 October 2022
  18. News Article
    The Care Quality Commission (CQC) has urged system leaders to move away from “quick fixes” to the “enormous gap in resources and capacity” in urgent and emergency care. A report by the CQC and a large group of emergency clinicians and other health and care leaders calls for a ”move away from reactive ‘quick fixes’ such as tents in the car park or corridor care to proactive long-term solutions and to address the enormous gap in resources and capacity”. The use of tents and treating more patients in corridors have been increasingly adopted by hospitals in recent months, sometimes encouraged by NHS England, particularly when they are under pressure to reduce handover delays from ambulances. The report, 'People First: a response from health and care leaders to the urgent and emergency care system crisis', suggests: expanding use of urgent community response teams to attend minor injuries 999/111 calls, giving acute and social care providers direct access to GP and community service booking systems, and providing “rapid access” to support packages to help people avoid hospital admission. Read full story (paywalled) Source: HSJ, 22 September 2022
  19. Content Article
    Traditional approaches to patient safety and handoffs need redesigning to acknowledge the different constraints, goals, and requirements necessary for each individual patient. There is no “one size fits all” approach to patient safety, handoffs or a perfect checklist. Despite the inherit complexity present in healthcare systems, we tend to reduce our thinking about handoffs into simple solutions of checklists and cognitive aids. In studies of these tools, their association with patient outcomes is unclear with mixed results in large studies. Incorporating general resilience engineering principles of visibility, understanding, anticipation, and learning provides new opportunities for increased patient safety. This involves situating the handoff in the context of the system - understanding the process of summarising pre-handoff and of developing understanding post-handoff, tracing flows of information and patients, and considering the role of feedback and control loops in the system. Direct observations, analysis of multiple outcomes, focus on patient evolving specific exceptions, reducing the number of handoffs, taking time for two-way discussions, and user-centred design and redesign may promote acceptability and sustainability of a new view of handoffs for improved patient safety.
  20. News Article
    When 85-year-old Koulla fell at home, her family immediately rang for an ambulance. She was in agonising pain - she had broken her hip. It was around 8pm. It took another 14 hours for an ambulance to get to her, leaving her pregnant granddaughter to care for her through the night. When they arrived the crews were able to give her pain relief and quickly transported her to the Royal Cornwall Hospital. But there the wait continued - there were around 30 ambulances queuing to handover patients to A&E staff. It was another 26 hours before she was taken inside to A&E. She then faced many hours in A&E before being taken for surgery. Koulla's daughter, Marianna Flint, 53, said: "It was awful. You feel helpless because you're giving your trust over to them to look after a family member who's in agony and who needs surgery." She has since received a written apology from the Royal Cornwall for the care provided to her mother in August. Ms Flint said: "I almost feel sorry for those looking after her. It's not down to them. There was no room inside to accept her in." Read full story Source: BBC News, 1 December 2022
  21. News Article
    The NHS in England is facing a “perfect winter storm” with 10 times more people in hospital with flu than this time last year, and ambulances experiencing deadly delays when arriving at A&E with sick patients. There were an average of 344 patients a day in hospitals in England with flu last week, more than 10 times the number at the beginning of last December. And as many as 3 in 10 patients arriving at hospitals by ambulance are waiting at least 30 minutes to be handed over to A&E teams. Health chiefs say the crisis is leading to deaths. The figures on flu and ambulance delays were published by NHS England on Thursday and offered the first weekly snapshot of how hospitals are performing this season. Matthew Taylor, the chief executive of the NHS Confederation, which represents the healthcare system in England, said: “These figures really hammer home just how stretched services already are as we head into a perfect winter storm. Significantly higher numbers of people are in hospital because of flu compared to this time last year, coupled with the fact that Covid-19 has not gone away.” He added: “The life-saving safety net that NHS ambulance services provide is being severely compromised by these unnecessary delays, and patients are dying and coming to harm as a result on a daily basis.” Read full story Source: The Guardian, 24 November 2022
  22. News Article
    Nine acute trusts accounted for a third of all ‘hours lost’ to ambulance handover delays last week, according to new data. The first NHS England winter sitrep data showed wide variation between providers on ambulance handover performance, with a small number of providers accounting for a huge proportion of delays. There were nine trusts where, for each ambulance arrival in the week to 20 November, an average (mean) of more than an hour was lost to handover delays. The providers accounted for around 7,000 hours lost, 33% the national total, despite only accounting for 7% of ambulance arrivals. At University Hospitals Plymouth an average of 2.3 hours were lost. The other trusts were; Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals; East and North Hertfordshire; The Queen Elizabeth Hospital King’s Lynn; Great Western Hospitals; University Hospitals of Leicester; Torbay and South Devon; University Hospitals of North Midlands; and Worcestershire Acute Hospitals. Many of the worst performing hospitals were in the South West and East of England regions, which have previously been identified as areas which struggle on handover delays. Read full story Source: HSJ, 24 November 2022
  23. News Article
    Ministers have effectively ditched NHS England’s planned new bundle of A&E targets and want trusts to be firmly regulated on the existing four-hour standard and 12-hour breaches, HSJ understands. Multiple senior figures familiar with the process, from inside the NHS and government, said the performance focus for the next two years will be on the two existing accident and emergency waiting time measures, as well as ambulance handover delays. For the last three years, NHS England has been lobbying government to scrap the headline four-hour target, and replace it with a bundle of measures which have been trialled at around a dozen providers. This work has been led by medical director Steve Powis. HSJ understands the decision to continue using the existing four-hour target was driven by concerns among ministers and senior NHS figures that the bundle of measures was too confusing, both for patients and as a means for government to hold the service to account. Read full story (paywalled) Source: HSJ, 23 November 2022
  24. News Article
    Ambulance crews could not respond to almost one in four 999 calls last month – the most ever – because so many were tied up outside A&Es waiting to hand patients over, dramatic new NHS figures show. An estimated 5,000 patients in England – also the highest number on record – potentially suffered “severe harm” through waiting so long either to be admitted to A&E or just to get an ambulance to turn up to help them. Ambulance officers warned that patients were dying every day directly because of the delays since the service could no longer perform its role as a “safety net” for people needing urgent medical help. “The life-saving safety net that NHS ambulance services provide is being severely compromised by these unnecessary delays and patients are dying and coming to harm as a result on a daily basis,” said Martin Flaherty, managing director of the Association of Ambulance Chief Executives (AACE), which represents the heads of England’s 10 regional NHS ambulance services. Flaherty added: “Our national data for hospital handover delays during October 2022 is extremely worrying and underlines the fact that in some parts of the country efforts to reduce or eradicate these devastating and unnecessary delays are simply not working.” Read full story Source: The Guardian, 23 November 2022
  25. News Article
    Ambulance waiting times for stroke and suspected heart attacks have quadrupled in four parts of England since before Covid-19 – whereas others have only grown by half – underlining the severe impact of long accident and emergency handovers. Response times have leapt across England over the past two years, particularly for category 2 and 3 incidents, but the data makes clear that the steepest increases are in areas where hospitals have the biggest handover delay problems. Of the 10 patches with the largest increases in average category 2 performance between 2018-19 and 2021-22, four are served by major hospitals which make up NHS England’s “cohort one” of trusts selected for the worst handover problems; and four more are on government’s list of 15 which accounted for the most long handover delays last winter. The increase in handover delays – in turn linked to delayed discharge, staffing, lack of community services and social care’s collapse – are the stand-out reason for areas with a steep rise in response times. Read full story (paywalled) Source: HSJ, 18 November 2022
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