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  • Topic leaders

    Our topic leaders are an integral part of ensuring the value of content on the hub. We want to ensure that quality content is published on the hub and that we have credible experts in specific topic areas to advise us on the validity of posted content, suggest areas to develop content in and lead discussions within our communities.

    Our topic leaders are volunteers and act in an advisory role with the shared aim of creating a patient-safe future. They are experts by profession or experience in their specific topic area and have many years’ experience in patient safety. 

    If you are interested in becoming a topic leader for the hub, please read the job description for a topic leader and contact us at info@PSLhub.org to discuss further.

    Topic leader JD.pdfTopic leader application form.docx

    Current topic leaders

    Gethin Bateman - NHS Wales  paramedicine, investigations 


    Gethin works for NHS Wales Informatics Service (NWIS) as a serious clinical incident investigation manager and has been employed by the Welsh Risk Pool since December 2018, where he was recently appointed as principal safety & learning advisor. He is a registered paramedic and has worked in the NHS since 2003.

    Since July 2017, Gethin has been part of the Clinical Informatics Assurance team at NWIS. The team ensures learning is taken from incidents and focuses on effective investigation and risk management processes associated with NWIS services. This work involves liaison with staff, specialist clinicians and technical experts from Welsh NHS Trusts, Public Health Wales, the Welsh Government and external contractors.

    Prior to joining NWIS, Gethin was a patient safety & clinical risk manager for the Welsh Ambulance Services NHS Trust, where he dealt with adverse incidents, serious adverse incidents, complaints, claims and coroner’s inquests. Gethin has held a variety of clinical and managerial positions during the course of his employment with the Welsh Ambulance Services NHS Trust as well as undertaking the role of regional on-call silver (tactical) officer. 

    Gethin has taken the National Patient Safety Agency (NPSA) Root Cause Analysis and Lead Investigator Course and holds a Level 7 Advanced Professional Award in Complaints Handling and Investigations. He has also gained his NEBOSH National General Certificate in Occupational Safety & Health, completed Clinical Safety Officer training with NHS Digital, and has trained in Human Factors in Accident & Incident Investigation with the Health and Safety Executive. Gethin is an Affiliate Member of the Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH). He is a member of the College of Paramedics and maintains his paramedic clinical practice through a combination of honorary and bank contracts with the Welsh Ambulance Services NHS Trust.

    In his spare time, Gethin is the Level 2 rugby coach and Head Coach of St David’s RFC 1st XV. He is also a councillor and current chairman of his local community council.

    Paul Bowie - Human Factors


    Paul is a safety scientist, medical educator and chartered ergonomist and human factors expert with around 30 years of experience leading and collaborating in research, innovation and educational development to improve the quality and safety of healthcare in the UK and globally.  He has provided expert risk and safety consultancy to medical defence, independent investigation, commercial healthcare, aviation, military and academic organisations. Paul is currently Programme Director (Safety and Improvement) with NHS Education for Scotland. based in Glasgow.  He also provides educational consultancy to the Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch and Staffordshire University MSc in Human Factors for Patient Safety in England.

    In 2004, Paul gained his doctorate in significant event analysis in primary healthcare from the University of Glasgow.  He has published over 160 articles in international peer-reviewed healthcare journals and co-edited a book on patient safety and quality improvement in primary care.

    Paul is Honorary Professor and a PhD supervisor and examiner in the School of Health and Wellbeing at the University of Glasgow, and Adjunct Professor at Queen’s University in Ontario, Canada.  He is an Honorary Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh and the Royal College of General Practitioners, and a Registered Member of the UK Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors, where he is also the Healthcare Sector Group Lead on Patient Safety. 

    Dr Ron Daniels - Deterioration


    Dr Ron Daniels BEM is a consultant in critical care at University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust. He is a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, Royal College of Anaesthetists and Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine.

    Ron is chief executive of the Global Sepsis Alliance, having been instrumental in bringing World Sepsis Day and the World Sepsis Declaration to fruition. In May 2017, following unanimous approval of the Executive Board of the World Health Organization, he was part of an Executive Board that secured the adoption of a Resolution on sepsis by the 70th World Health Assembly.

    He is also chief executive of the United Kingdom Sepsis Trust, a registered charity, in which capacity he provides clinical advice to NHS England, Public Health England and the Department of Health. He has lobbied the UK Government and devolved governments in Scotland and Wales over several years, resulting in the development of a national commissioning incentive for sepsis in England, a NICE Clinical Guideline and Quality Standard and a public awareness campaign on sepsis in children. 

    Ron and his team developed both the ‘Sepsis Six’ care bundle, now in use in 36 countries, and the clinical concept of ‘Red Flag Sepsis’. Both are endorsed and recommended by the UK Royal Colleges and by NHS England and in 2019 were formally endorsed by NICE. The UK Sepsis Trust has also been instrumental in delivering reports from the National Confidential Enquiry into Patient Outcome and Death (NCEPOD), the All Party Parliamentary Group on Sepsis and the NHS Cross System Programme Board on Sepsis.

     Jonathan Hazan - Digital Health


    Jonathan studied computer science at Durham University. His career began at Datix, where he progressed from programmer to chief executive, growing the company internationally and working with organisations around the world to design and implement patient safety reporting and learning systems. Jonathan stepped down as chief executive of Datix at the end of 2015 and started work on what was to become Patient Safety Learning. In 2016, Jonathan helped to found a cybersecurity startup in the USA, taking the role of chair until the business was sold to a large Silicon Valley corporation in 2018. Jonathan is now chair of the board of trustees of Patient Safety Learning. His other interests include trustee of AvMA, advisor to Perfect Ward and member of the external advisory board of the Computer Science Department at Durham University.

    Sally Howard - Leading for improvement


    Sally has held national and local leadership roles within the NHS in a career spanning more than 30 years. A respected leader who is passionate about improvement and inclusivity, she is trained in quality improvement methodologies and has spent the last 20 years in their practical application.

    She is also a practising coach, believing success is rarely just about ‘what’ you do, it’s also ‘the way that you do it’. She works with leaders of small and large teams as a ‘thinking partner’ to help people be their best selves at work: 

    • offering both challenge and support
    • encouraging curiosity and bravery
    • building confidence and resilience – few improvement journeys are plain sailing
    • and sharing a few improvement tools along the way.

    She has run collaborative improvement programmes nationally and worked with organisations facing significant challenges. Over the last two years has worked on the roll out of the Patient First Improvement System in Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust, melding it with work that had gone before and working intensively with wards and departments to build a culture of continuous improvement. 

    She has also worked as an investigating officer for the Office of the Health Service Commissioner and has experienced the ‘great’ and the ‘not so great’ as a carer for her own family.

    Ehi Iden - Occupational Health and Safety: OSHAfrica


    Ehi Iden is an occupational safety, health and wellness consultant with over 20 years’ experience spanning healthcare management, patient safety improvement and occupational health and safety management. He holds an MBA and MSc in Workplace Health and Safety and is currently a doctoral fellow studying workplace health and wellness promotion. He is a certified life coach, a mental health ambassador and an African regional ambassador to the Patient Safety Movement Foundation (PSMF).

    Ehi is also a trainer and conference speaker and is the founding CEO of Occupational Health and Safety Managers (OHSM) and head of faculty at OSHversity. He is a trustee and president of OSHAfrica, trustee of the Occupational Health Research and Development Initiative (OHRDI) and a board member for Workplace Health Without Borders (WHWB) 2020-2022.

    Sandra Igwe - Black maternal health


    Sandra Igwe is a Black maternal health advocate, TEDx speaker, and is the Founder of The Motherhood Group, a social enterprise that supports the Black maternal experience by delivering community-based events, training workshops, peer-to-peer support, national campaigns. Sandra is also a Trustee for Birthrights Charity and the co-chair of their National Inquiry into Racial Injustice in Maternity Care. 

    Sandra is the author of My Black Motherhood: Mental Health, Stigma, Racism and the System. 

    Richard Jones - Artificial intelligence (AI)


    With over 30 years spent in advanced technologies, Richard has extensive experience as an entrepreneur, working in strategy development, business planning and creating commercial implementations for companies. He has co-founded businesses across four continents that have delivered up to 300x returns on first round. 

    Richard is president of C2-Ai, one of 10 ‘Essential Digital Health Ideas for a UK National Covid Response’ according to Healthcare UK. He was a COGX keynote speaker on the Global Leadership stage and won two awards for C2-Ai, including the prestigious Overall Tech4Covid award. 

    Richard was the only private sector member of a national regulator’s synthetic AI patient record and medical AI software validation project. In addition to his work at C2-Ai, he holds positions in an AI/high performance computing business, an AI-based healthcare company, a stealth mode AI start-up and telecoms businesses in the UK and Africa. He is the author of three business books translated into multiple languages.

    Richard received an MBA with distinction from the Warwick Business School and will be restarting a doctorate in technology strategy when he finds a spare moment or ten!

    Dr Martin Langham - Human factors and Investigations

    Martin Langham

    Martin founded the Human Factors group at the University of Sussex in 1999, which became User Perspective Ltd in 2003. Martin is managing director, chief executive and chief scientist of User Perspective and has undertaken almost 600 research and forensic investigation projects, aided by his team. He is interested in human error and human factors.

    Martin has a DPhil in Engineering Psychology and Forensics and has trained as an investigator in safety critical roles such as aviation, road, rail, marine, military operations, security and healthcare. He has written many UK Government guides in human factors and forensics, and is perhaps best known for his work investigating a crash in Paris involving a Mercedes for HM Royal Coroner.

    Martin is a research auditor for the UK Government, EU academic networks and many governments worldwide. Within healthcare he has investigated matters as diverse as neonatal safety in transport, unexplained injuries in the hospital mortuary, sepsis diagnosis and retained instruments. Martin co-authored the very first Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch (HSIB) report that investigated orthopaedic surgery in the UK and Europe. His interest in the law and justice extends to his voluntary role as a justice of the peace (JP) in the Magistrate and Crown courts.

    Cate Leon - Medication

    Photo of Cate

    Cate is an experienced pharmacist with expertise in medication and patient safety. She has worked in both the hospital and community setting and has supported initiatives to improve transfer of care in relation to medicines. Cate is passionate about improving patient safety, particularly using proactive approaches that recognise how people are supporting safety all the time. She is in the final year of a PhD exploring how safety can be managed proactively using digitally integrated care.

    Eve Mitchell - Safe staffing


    Eve is a healthcare professional with over 15 years’ experience working in and consulting to public and private health and social care organisations. Eve has worked with a variety of health and care sector clients in the delivery of complex change, from transformational change and organisational design process to programme leadership and execution.

    Eve’s passion is the safe staffing agenda, recognising that in order for any organisation to ensure appropriate care and evidence for professional judgement, there must be consistency in approach and a way of linking staffing levels to quality outcomes. This can then be benchmarked within and across organisations, and used as the basis for workforce planning to meet the challenges of today and the needs of the future.

    This passion resulted in the development of ‘Establishment Genie’, a safe-staffing workforce planning and benchmarking tool, which was endorsed by NICE in April 2017. Over the last four years, Eve has worked with more than 500 teams and organisations across all settings of care, supporting workforce planning, safe staffing and transformation, but also gathering evidence and demonstrating that one size does not fit all and that statistics are only part of the story.

    Eve is collaborating with Patient Safety Learning on their work around the development of standards for patient safety, is an alumni of the NHS ‘Gateway to Leadership’ and PwC ‘Emerging Leadership Programme’ and holds a Masters in Business Administration.

    Julie Smith - Patient information


    Julie is the Content Director at EIDO Healthcare. She oversees a library of leaflets used to support patients in making informed decisions about their care, with a focus on medical procedures and operations. Julie and her team are trained in Plain English, risk communication, easy-read information, translation processes and more.

    Julie is a healthcare editor by background and previously worked at MA Healthcare as Editorial Director, overseeing 25 healthcare journals. She was also the Editor for a number of journals while at MA Healthcare, including the British Journal of Nursing and British Journal of Community Nursing. She is a member of the PIF TICK steering group and a Trustee and Board Member of the Lindsay Leg Club Foundation.

    .Julie Storr - Leadership

    Julie Storr

    Julie is an MBA graduate and graduate nurse from the University of Manchester, where she also trained as a health visitor. She is co-founder and director at S3 Global and has worked internationally for the last 15 years, predominantly as an expert with the World Health Organization (WHO). In this role she has worked on the development, implementation and evaluation of global improvement programmes in the field of patient safety, quality and infection prevention and control (IPC), with a focus on behaviour change.

    She is currently supporting WHO’s Water Sanitation and Health (WASH) and Quality Systems and Resilience units. Her technical and leadership expertise was called on to support WHO’s Ebola response and recovery efforts in 2014/15, with a focus on national IPC policy development in Sierra Leone. She has led on the development of evidence-based WHO Guidelines (Core Components of Infection Prevention and Control Programmes at the National and Acute Health Care Facility Level, 2016) and implementation support packages (Core Components and Carbapenemase resistant organisms) and was part of the development team for the WHO surgical checklist.

    Julie is a past president of the Infection Prevention Society of the UK and Ireland, was an assistant director for patient safety at the English National Patient Safety Agency and was director of the award-winning national ‘cleanyourhands’ campaign. She has authored a book, Perspectives and Perceptions of IPC, which was published widely in academic literature and is currently writing a follow up book focused on IPC and the social sciences. She sits on the steering group of and is social media coordinator for Healthcare Information for All (HIFA) and is a trustee of Peoples Uni.

    Saira Sundar - Obstetrics and Gynaecology


    Saira Sundar is an obstetrics and gynaecology consultant based at Newham Hospital (Barts Health) in East London. Her clinical interests include early pregnancy, hysteroscopy and labour ward management. She has a background in promoting collaborative care within the speciality and medical education.

    Saira is currently focusing on an MA project to promote the concept of cultural safety in response to the stark disparities in maternal outcomes seen between ethnicities within her speciality.

    She sees collaboration with patients as central to safe care and hopes that being involved with Patient Safety Learning will give her an opportunity to connect with a wider number of service users.

    Hugh Wilkins - Whistleblowing


    Hugh is a clinical scientist and has spent most of his career working in hospitals and universities in the UK and overseas, mostly in the NHS. He has extensive experience in service delivery, research and development, and education and training. This includes managing and leading medical physics, nuclear medicine, bone densitometry and radiation safety services. He is a qualified Medical Physics Expert (MPE) and Radiation Protection Expert (RPE), roles required by legislation which protect patients, carers, staff, members of the public and the environment from the harmful effects of radiation.

    Hugh has gained unwanted insight into the phenomenon of hostility towards staff who raise valid concerns through his own experience of simply doing his job in reporting, through internal NHS trust channels, areas of non-compliance with patient safety legislation. He has come to know many others who have been subjected to unfair disciplinary processes after raising concerns in the public interest, mostly related to patient safety.

    Hugh welcomes the evidence-based approach of Patient Safety Learning. He hopes to help raise awareness of the realities of widespread reprisals against whistleblowers and to contribute to moves to make it safe and effective for staff to speak up. He believes that the hub is potentially a very effective forum for furthering these aims and would like to encourage contributions on this topic.




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